keep fighting

Nov 12, 2010 23:16

dear god.

every time I finnished a cake, someone came up to order one...or two. it ws crazy. finnaly had a lady call at 7....making me at over time.... askign fora cake at 11.
me: "I cant garentee a cake at 11 m'am, there are over 20 orders infrount of you[ exsagerated by 5 cause customer doesnt understand] but I can garentee it by 4." I swear I'mg oign to get fired for this....
Customer: so? whats so damned hard that you cant make a cake for my poor little baby girl on her 13th birthday?
me: well sicne each cake takes about 20 to thirty minuet to do and tehre are twenty of them, plus the time it takes to fill my case and help other customers with the cakes alone we're already at about 8 hours of work. I dont get here till 10 in the morning [lieign agian as I get in at 6 am] so Ic ant garentee anythign till 4.
customer: you're jsut stupid that shoudl only take 20 minets! my little girl is more inportant then all the rest of those cracker children.
me: actualy m'am we're looking at about a good solid 6 hours of work and if I dont get in till ten that means it wont be till 4 that your order can be garenteed to be done. I do have cakes in my case...
Custom: I dont want no damned cakes that some fuckign mexican has been slobering on! THey all got herpies you know it.
me: M'am coudl you please stop with the rqacial slurs its rather offencive.
Customer: thsi is america I'll say whatever the hell I fuckign want to. what are you a Nigger or a cracka you sound like a cracka! no way you coudl fuckign udnerstand my oppression now give me a damne cake for 11 am or I'll cll your corporat office! Now giv eme your damned name so I can report you.
me: I'm very sorry m'am that you feel that way, but I feel threatned by your attitude and I have your name and number writen down and Will give it to my security. please feel free to stop in when you feel a little less hostial and I'll be more then happy to write on a cake for your little girl. have a nice night. *click*

go take your racest stupid butt outta my country. I'm already bogged down by other peopesl cakes.

tbw... one of the cake I get to do tomarrow... is ac ake for a guy who had.. .BOTH... his lungs transplanted! isnt that ADMAZING?! its a dingle guy like that that totaly makes up for the previous mentioned customer x 10!!! I do lvo emy job, probobly why I'm so dedicated to it. every cake I make, if I make a decent connection with the person and they're nice and polight... the cake is made with THEM in mind... its somehtign special and unique JUST For them.

other news... started on the nasal steroid in hopes it might return my sence of smell. if it does nto improve at the end of the trial session..... and the lab results form the 5 frikkin gallons of blood they dook come out normal.... it'll be time to see a neuroloist. as I said befor I dont FEEL sick or FEEL liek there is somethign PHYSICALY wrong with me. who knows... I breahted a LOT easier after today so maybe it's jsut soe odd alergy to...something? I'm positive its nothing scary or important, somethign minor and dumb.
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