Oct 28, 2010 00:21
ever have that horrible nagging suspicion you have compleatly forgotten somethign important? All reports ahe been filed and turne dinto the ShoTaichou, new transphure papers ahave been annalized and approved, vacation requests sorted and on Taichou's desk for the holidays. Got the recent shipment in of minerals and papers from both west and east families so that the anual Fall festible can happen once the first snow falls. order for 20,000 fireworks taken care of for the King. Kukaku and Ganju's birthdays taken care of. Banniechan fed. Paychecks have been issued and are on the treasurey's desk for sighing approval for payday on friday. laundry was done two days ago have another three pairs of work Kimonos..... anual check up with 4th done on tuesday....will ahve to return the call later about the results- so much easier when they send me letters rather then calling! New assighnments handed out....new schedual for next week posted.... new rotaton of squads... day lights savigns isnt till next week...
the hell am I missing... 28th of october.....damn it.