Sep 20, 2010 10:49
D. Meghan Bethards
that person is not worth feeling sorry over, and you deserve so much more.Sunday, Sep 12 at 2:45PM1284327954
Dyan Osborn
I will always hate that person for all the lies fed you whilst she was with someone else! Very disturbed personSunday, Sep 12 at 6:11PM1284340304
Dyan Osborn
and they will never even know the pain and heartache they put you through <
dear Dyan. I wont change your view on Jamie, she is your child and you'll listen to everything she says as truth. thats' fine becuse you should trust your daughter and though she feeds you half trueths and lies I hope you never see through it and continue to love your daughter. but hateing me? that's awefully strong. Hate is a powerful word and my dear you are an asult and perhaps you shouldnt say such things or maybe you need to realize that your daughter is the way she is partly becuase of some of the tings you do.... just an outside observer oppinion. I do hope you recover well from your near heart attack, that's never fun, I know. Iwoudl also like to state that no I'm not disturbed,not int he way you think at least. Distrubed is a person who goes to a convention takes dangerous medication and then showers calling down to friends to make them come up and "rescue her". That's rather dangerous and sighns of self-distructive behavior that one day she'll push it too far AND TRUELY Hurt herself. please ask her to stopbefor it gets there, that shouldnt happen.
Fey really? coudl ahve choosen wording like the person above you like "tehre are more peopel who love you out there" Not worth it? silly Fey. Supose you're the exspert on relations.
for the love of god people. really? I nixed Jamie frommy life ayear ago [and thanks for reminding me, wish it had been a lot longer] becuase oppinionated independant potant personality vs desparate meak self distructive does not work.
to clean up some of the lies: No I wasnt datign or even holding someone shand while datign jamie infact itw as 9+ months befor I decided to tentativly try a relationships and hells didnt even kiss them till almost 2 months after. Did I get over jamie quickly? yes I did. why? becuase she presented herself to me as a very independant strong person who was capable of so much more then she really was.She clung to me and my emotinal strength and when mine failed she did nothign but punish me for it and tell me how much worse her life was. In the end the only thign that mattered was the fact that Jamie coudl only call me up to complain about EVERYTHING. She was always so negitive and she was terribly put off by the fact that my job kept us at differnt times. I did my best to call her when I coudl and keep in contact when possible. it just didnt work out. Jamie needed someone OTHER Then me. I was bad for her just as she was vial and poisonous to me. She'll do well with someone else, I think a man actualy. If she woudl jsut let one event in her life go and move on. I supsoe that was the biggest diferance between us. JAmie woudl get a cut on her finger and coddle that figner for weeks, me? I'd get a cut and keepg oign bleeding all over everything. I'm not saying how jamies life was wrong. for me and in MY OPPINION it wasnt right. I'm not a person to coddle anything. I supose I am heartless in that matter.
but for the sake of argument.... I didnt cheat, so where the hell did you get that idea from? and can you please someone prove this to me.
As it were I'm trying to keep up a relationship with someone else and am not appreciative of the way you all are sayign it needs to end already. thats your oppinion. you can have it., you can say it but you take steps twards that and you will get a slap from DragonSlayer. got it? I value your input, but cant you be positive or helpful. We have a lto mroe incommon outsid eof our "fandom" and trust me that only crosses briefly. You dont spend quality time with us and only see thigns from the outside. so please. Sh.
why do I continue with relationships? thats for me to know and for you to know only if you get me drunk and high enough.also. jsut accept that I ahve one. if it interfears with us time and you'e jellous....then I'm sorry and please fidn a way to deal with it thats not distructive twards yourself or anyone else.
moral of the story? stop beign faggots and get your head outta your ass. move on and flush. the shit has been in the pot too long. flush it downand get over it. you ahve two legs, get up and walk, no legs? then crawl with your hands. past that? slither. just move the fuck on.