:: Tats ::

Jan 07, 2009 13:57

I've always wanted to get a tattoo but considering that I have a completely f***ed up immune system, resulting in a whole basketful of allergies which often manifests in terms of some respiratory, eye or skin related ailment, I figure I might not want to tempt fate.

This doesn't dampen my passion for a tat well done though.  I particularly love ( Read more... )

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inoffensif January 7 2009, 08:51:01 UTC
no la, I'm not a "bad boy". I don't qualify as one much as I "want" to be. Heh. Ok, actually, I'm too lazy/nerdy to qualify as one, I guess. dnmcd (i don't really know how to link livejournal accounts when commenting) would probably fit the bill more than I.

A tatt. is a really personal thing. Rather than tell you what kind of tatt. you should get (which I can't because I don't really know what your tastes are), I would offer some questions which which may steer you in the direction of the kind of tatt. you might want to get, if any at all.

The non-exhaustive list of questions are as follows:
- bearing in mind that a tatt. is practically a life-long commitment, am you cool with the fact that you will be having something "stencilled" onto your body which would stay with you, even when you're old and gray? NB: surgery cannot also fight the effects of gravity.
- what's your budget?
- how complex would you want your tatt. to be, bearing in mind that the more complex a tatt., the more expensive it is?
- how large would you want your tatt. to be, again bearing in mind that the larger it is, the more expensive it is (this sounds wrong, man, sooooooo wrong *grin*)?
- do you have a conservative environment?
- where would you like your tatt. to be located as it can affect how your tatt. would look?
- do you want something cutesy or do you want something that is more serious?
- do you want something that is unique and/or something which makes a statement and/or something which is recognizable re: consumeristic (and yes, there's such a word)?
- objective of tatt. and what its function is, if any: portrait, logo, remembrance, artistic, etc?

Instead of listening to me, as I'm pretty much like a little kid who hardly knows anything about getting a tatt. and the commitment (time, pain, cost) it involves, perhaps you might want to talk to a professional tatt. artist or someone who actually has one? Also, get exposed to the various types of tatts. and get inspired (rather than getting something painfully boring / generic / meaningless).

You can watch "Miami Ink", "LA Ink", "London Ink" or attend the tatt. convention at Singapore EXPO to get started. As alluded to in my entry, Chris Garver is like one of the most recognized tatt. gurus in the world. Make an outing with your friends and get your ass down to the EXPO this weekend and if you can, speak to Chris Garver because he is a GOD (blasphemy aside). :)


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