Dec 31, 2008 14:12
Conversation with my "twin"
Me: So, are you going to the gym later?
G: I already went at 10am this morning.
Me: -_-" ok. -conversation ends-
G: wei, don't be like that lah. you might want to watch out for vivocity though, it's completely crowded due to some countdown thing.
Me: oh fuck. hmmm... I'll go to Suntec then...
G: er... eh, countdown there also leh.
Me: Fuck, ya hor. Shit lah. Why do they need to count down so many places? How big is bloody Singapore? *indignant* Erm... Great World City?
G: That's a better bet.
Me: But GWC has like, got no MRT...
G: Yar.
Me: ...Fuck it, I'm going home straight to make Macaroni and Cheese *GRIN*
G: Up to you... I'm playing mahjong! :D
I love my friends. LOL