School Stuff...

Jan 15, 2007 15:04

So here's the obligatory school post. First, for anyone who wondered:

ANTH-2090 Intro to Linguistic Anthropology
ANTH-2141 Biological Anthropology
JAPN-2201 Intermediate Japanese I
RELS-2101 Western Traditions
RELS-2600 Approaches to the Study of Religion (PURE EVIL COURSE LOAD!!!)
RELS-3169 Zen Buddhism (taking as a directed studies course, so x4 the reading and writing)

It's nice to be taking something biology-related again. All of the stuff is fun, though the work makes the previous semester look like a joke (except for the 4000 level Linguistics class I took.) I'm also working like crazy to get everything finished for the study abroad application. I figure that working hard this semester will balance out, since Oita is supposed to be really easy. One semester of insane effort for two of relaxation in Japan isn't a bad tradeoff, at least in my opinion. As for non-school stuff, it's still really early, so no big news yet. Should be more club participation this time though, thanks to a better planned schedule.

Of course, all this other stuff is minor compared to what's really important about today. This day remembers Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one of my personal heroes. Although there are still a lot of people out there that would prefer that he never had done anything, the rest of you can take a moment to appreciate the crazy sh*t he and others risked and did to make it possible for people to live with one another without constant violence or the legally-enforced treatment of all non-whites like barnyard animals. Naturally, there is still a lot of work to do. Mexicans, Muslims, homosexuals, and pretty much everyone who doesn't vote Republican still face problems from hate and general selfishness. We've also backslid a little since 2001. But be grateful for what progress has been made already in our country, and don't let the fire of these past warriors die out. You don't have to go out and take a bullet for the cause like Dr. King did, but at the very least, help to push back the darkness and try looking out for others.

Race doesn't cause violence; Religion doesn't cause violence. Intolerance does. Quit trying to be hard, and love your neighbor a little more. Even if you don't love a particular group of people, you can at least see where they are coming from and appreciate them at least a little for it. That's how hate is cured. Shalom.
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