May 10, 2006 21:44
Just because some of you wanted to see it again...
Recently, it has been brought to my attention by one of my shinobi mist cats that nobody knows what the h*ll I mean when I use one of the codes from the Technical Math Department. To clear up all confusion, here is the official 2002 list of operations codes:
PLAN A - Initiate original mission.
PLAN B - Situation hopeless. Kill everyone.
PLAN C - Situation hopeless but PLAN B not possible/advantageous. Run like a b*tch.
PLAN D - Incoming solid/liquid projectile(s). Duck.
PLAN E - More information concerning objective required. Obtain a quick edumacation.
PLAN F - Enemy forces (may) suspect your actions. Play as if you are stupid.
PLAN G - Disguise yourself as a gangster. Deployment of the Ghettoblaster is now authorized.
PLAN H - (This one is apparently left over from the 60's) F*ck everyone.
PLAN I - Need for instant flame access. Detonate sun.
PLAN J - Need for a diversion exists. Tell an incomprehensible joke.
PLAN K - Need for immediate escape. Kick other person in genital area.
PLAN L - Disguise yourself as a cat. Licking is authorized.#
PLAN LL - Pretend Spanish is your only understood language.
PLAN M - Land mine(s) have been manually detected. Do not lift foot.
PLAN N - Need for instant cold access. Cover surrounding area with N2.
PLAN O - Need for a instant weapon of mass destruction. Dig a hole.
PLAN P - Disguise yourself as a pimp. B*tch smacking of the enemy is now authorized.
PLAN Q - Special scenario. Proceed to ask stupid questions until physically restrained.
PLAN R - Special scenario. Destroy all physical property in sight.
PLAN S - Special scenario. Sterilize everyone. (Neuter and/or spay).
PLAN T - Special scenario. Induce vomiting in everyone.
PLAN U - Special scenario. Sing U-2 songs for exactly 15 minutes.
PLAN V - Immediate extrication is required. Take nearest land vehicle airborne.
PLAN W - Disguise yourself as a member of a boy band. Amp blowing is authorized.
PLAN X - Unleash (insert current super weapon here) for usage.
PLAN Y - Original mission has become unusable/forgotten. Ad-lib new mission.
PLAN Z - Disengage all mission objectives and walk away like you have nothing to do with anything.
(# generally applies to shinobi kittens)
The above code list is considered classified. No copies may be made, except for plagiarism on crappy class reports.
It's TeChNiCaL mAtH!!!