
Nov 20, 2004 16:01

C U R R E N T-
[ Mood ] pissed
[ Music ] Off spring "hit that" because i just got an email from mikey![ Taste ] pop tart
[ Make-up ] eyeliner
[ Hair ] usual
[ favorite article of clothinq] my "little" jeans as ryan says
[ Annoyance ] Hillary
[ Current Smell ] peanut butter haha
[ favorite words/sayinqs] "i am so freakin pissed" white chicks
[ Favorite Group ] Thursday
[ Book you're reading ] Lord of the Flies (stupid english shit)
[ CD in CD Player] Letter Kills
[ Color Of Toenails ] none
[ Refreshment ] Sprite of course
[ Worry ] My brother

-L A S T. P E R S O N-
[ You Touched ] my mom
[ You Talked to ] Heather P.
[ You Hugged ] My brother last night
[ You Instant messaged ] Jaime
[ You Yelled At ] Hillary
[ You Kissed ] Ryan
-W H O. D O. Y O U. W A N T. T O-
[ Kill ] everyone
[ Slap ] Hillary
[ Get Really Wasted With ] Mikey
[ Get High With ] Heather....Rob when he comes back
[ Look Like] why the hell would i wanna look like someone else??

-W H O-
[are your best friends] Heather P. Holly R. Mikey G. Kolbe <- thats his last name. ha. Cassie C. Kristen R. Squeege
[makes u laugh the most?] Heather
[makes you smile] All my friends.
[gives u a funny feeling when u see them] no comment
[is easiest to talk to] Heather Mikey Squeege Cassie Kristen Holly & scott

-D O. Y O U .E V E R-
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] hell no i have better things to do
[save aol/aim conversations] no. im not childish. i dont need to blackmail ne one.
[cried because of someone saying something to you] who hasnt??

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[smoke cigarettes] sometimes
[obsessive] no
[could u live without the computer?] yes
[color ur hair] no
[habla espanol] French 3 baby
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?] 125
[drink alchohol?] sometimes *not after what he told me tho*
[like watching sunrises or sunset] i suppose
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain] both hurt in a way. im no emo bitch tho.

-N U M B E R-
[of times i have had my heart broken? ] Never.
[of hearts broken? ] im not that great of a person to break a heart.
[of guys I have kissed?:] 8
[of scars on my body?:] to many to count
[of things in my past that I regret?:] live life with no regrets is my thing.
- L A S T. T H I N G S-
[last word you said] Fuck *Erik said thats my new fav word.*
[last sonq you sang] Letter Kills " hold my heart "
[last thinq you laughed at] A comment that some dumb bitch posted in my last update.
[last time you said 'i love you'] today to Mikey <3
[last time you cried] Last nite when i got fucked over because of my brother
- P R E S E N T-
[what color socks are you wearinq] Green one and a Pink one
[favorite place to be] Chilled Ponds or with *HIM*
[least favorite place] with HER dumb ass
[stronq in mind or stronq in body] i say both
[time you wake up in the morninq] 6:45 for school and whenever if no school.
[favorite color] i have a few: green black silver and Blue <- haha jason its mine now!!
[do you believe in an afterlife] of course
[how tall are you] 5'3 and a quarter
[favorite season] Fall
[one person you wish was here riqht now] Mikey
[favorite day] Thursday
[under bed] boxes of notes and things that i have of mikey's
[time it is now] 4:20 pm <- haha AwEsOmE number

- P A S T-
[kinderqarten teacher's name] Mrs. Harold
[1st qrade teacher's name] Mrs. kasinski
[2nd qrade teacher's name] Mrs. Dawson
[3rd qrade teacher's name] Mrs. ruffin
[4th qrade teacher's name] Mrs. Johnson
[5th qrade teacher's name] Mr. Byers
[6th qrade teacher's name] uhhh...there was like four.
[7th qrade teacher's name] once agian like four.
[8th grade teacher's name] and once agian for lack of a better phrase there were four

- F U T U R E-
[you want to qrow up to] do anything dealing with theatre
[ideal job] Forensic scientist or drama teacher
[you want to live] anywhere but Virginia
[number of children you want]2 at the most
[kind of car] a reliable one. wouldnt hurt if it was green. like maybe omars with out the smashed up fender but green. haha
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