I miss stirring things, making people uncomfortable so… that’s exactly what I’ll do right now. Please do not click if you are easily offended. I have accepted the fact that I am going to hell for my lack of religious belief and blatant disrespect of all religions not just the ones I will mention (Which happen to be Catholic/Chritian and Jewish) You’ve been warned.
So I watched The Ten Commandments because Naveen Andrews was in it, and he is just the most gorgous man on earth and he played an Egyptian Prince I was hoping to see an ass shot like in Kama Sutra but alas… no Sayid ass shot which made me sad.
But I’m not here to talk about Sayid’s ass, am I? NO! I’m here to talk about Moses, Egyptians, the slaves, god and Jesus so please bear with me.
Now… we all know the Egyptians killed every male slave baby (which was wrong mmkay) and then god killed the Egyptians’ first born sons now the problem I have with this is Moses’ step brother’s (Sayid! *squee*) son was killed that night too. Why did god kill him? I mean it wasn’t Menerith’s fault the Pharaoh wouldn’t set the slaves free and if it wasn’t for him Moses wouldn’t even be alive OKAY! Anyway, Moses killed Menerith when he parted the sea… drowned him. It was sad. I cried. Okay no I didn’t but let’s pretend I did.
So, Moses freed the slaves yadda yadda yadda they were promised a land with milk and honey, roamed the desert for 40 years and in the end MOSES DIDN’T EVEN GET HIS DAMN MILK AND HONEY! Which I’m sure pissed off the slaves a bit, which lead me to believe the Jewish might have been holding a grudge against God.
So then here comes Jesus some… like hundred years later claiming to be the son of God born from a virgin WHICH IS JUST BLASPHEMY BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW CATHOLISISM INSISTS ON DEMONIZING WOMEN AND A WOMAN VIRGIN *gasp* WHY I NEVER!!!
Anyway, last supper (MARY MAGDALENE WAS THERE AND SHE WASN’T A WHORE OKAY!) rolls around they feast, one of the jealous disciples runs off and tells whoever where to find Jesus right? Okay, so my brother said the disciples killed Jesus but it was the Jews. Not because they hated Jesus but because they were still angry about Moses not getting his milk and honey!
((I’ll rant about the catholic church being a bunch of sexist pigs some other time, I think that doing so now might be a tad bit offensive. HAH :) ))
Oh! New header image because I love Ray and Neela. They need to hurry up and snog just to make me happy, so what if Michael Gallant is fighting in Iraq NEELA’S DUTY IS to be a good doctor and to be a good wife (but not to Michael Gallant!) , not to be brainwashed into falling in line with some pseudo-patriotic delusion.
Okay I’m done.