Thanks to each of you who voted, we got a good amount this week. Congrats to winners! =)
ribbon_crimson 2nd:
spiritto 3rd:
paranoia_memory Best Crop:
spork_ai Mod's Choice:
xorli_stalkerx Banner-maker this week is
xorli_stalkerx. Please comment and confirm.
Banners that need to be done:
Week 27 -
blooming_cosmoWeek 28 -
chained_angel13Week 31 -
spirittoWeek 32 -
silverxdragonWeek 33 -
blooming_cosmoWeek 34
chained_angel13 If you can't do these, please let me know! Many of them are WAY over-due.
Check out our new affiliates:
ffxii_stills tenipuri_hush anime_crops