(no subject)

Sep 13, 2010 00:22

Not to name names, but my roommate Bek is suck a fucking dick.

I want to strangle her, and send her back to the main-land on a crazed shark.

I am so furious, that this post is epic long.

In short, I got her a job at my work place, she's acting a fool and showing her ass. She won't pull her weight, listen to anyone, learn anything, and smarts off to everyone including the manager.

I... it's one thing to be a total douche bag at HOME, but at my place of work? Really?

We are not on talking terms.

Bitch acts oblivious to the fact that NO ONE LIKES HER RIGHT NOW.

Not me.
Not Aysha.
Not Corinne.
Not Alison.
Not Stacy.
Not Helen.
Not Laura.
Not Jacob.
Not Sean.
Not Kelly.



She washed her dishes, acted like they weren't hers and wanted people to be thankful. Clogged the sink with nasty water... left it. When I took care of it, bitched about a clean brand new plunger in the sink.

She will leave food and drinks everywhere for weeks. Her stuff is everywhere. She laughs like a fucking hyena till all hours of the night, then asks me to be quiet when I laugh once. She eats ALL THE EGGS, but she only eats the whites, so she THROWS THE YOKE IN THE TRASH. She won't TAKE OUT THE TRASH. She leaves all her bathroom stuff on the counter and refuses to share. She bitches about us using the main bathroom because we have a small one in our room, though this is the only shower. She bitched about us not being home cause she didn't have a key, cause she NEVER MADE ONE. She bitched about Alison having two things in our fridge, even though she pays just as much as she does. She runs her AC when it ISN'T HOT when we all agreed we wouldn't use the AC unless it was balls hot and only for a bit. She eats everything, including food that ISN'T HERS, then she lies to my face about stealing my food. She's mean and sarcastic and pretends like she's just witty and unique. She once told Corinne that we weren't getting along because, 'were both Alpha personalities well work it out' when she isn't, and it's cause she's a cunt. She tries to correct everything I say and do at every turn. She won't share. She won't be considerate. She WASTES ALL THE FOOD SHE DOESN'T EAT, including shit other people would eat if she saved. She owes Alison $300 bucks, me $50, and Corinne $100 because as much as I warned her and begged her to get a job forever ago, she waited till last minute when her money ran out. She's acting a FOOL at my work place. She treats Aysha like a lap dog. She makes Corinne drive her around like a taxi and doesn't give her gas money. She bitches if Corinne needs to be somewhere or can't pick her up. She ripped flowers out of Alison's hands. When she baby sat some kittens, she never cleaned the litter and asked Alison to do it. She won't wash her dishes, but when she does she acts like she's a saint. If you try to tell her anything she doesn't want to hear, she'll close herself in her room then the next day pretend it didn't happen. She acts like she's perfect and so mature when she's so immature that a two year old would have more common sense than her. She isn't funny, yet she feels inclined to believe she is, and that everything she says or does or likes should be equally funny to us as it is to her. AND SHE WILL TELL YOU TO LAUGH. She's been buying shit when she owes us money. Her obnoxious ringtone makes me want to strangle her. She acts like her pain is a million times worse than yours. When I agreed to babysit the kittens she volunteered to keep them in her room, so when the woman left a gift card for all of us, she kept it and spent it on herself instead of replacing the toilet paper or the EGGS SHE DEVOURED. She claims shes OCD but she's messier and nastier than anyone else I have ever met in my entire life. She seems to believe the Serial Killer book she's writing gives her the right to judge other people who write. She also thinks everything she writes is hilarious, and will tell you about it. She leaves her balled up notes everywhere and will flip if you touch them. She will be writing and will snap at you if you talk to her at all, even if you're on your break at work and she's in the cafe, and you wanted to spend time with your so-called friend. She bitches about her family and stuff, but then turns around and does what she bitches about. She also brags about her 6'9, German, Mello cosplaying, Make-up artist ex-boyfriend, that doesn't exist. The only known picture of him is actually a Brazilian cosplayer who doesn't even speak English, yet she has a million stories about him and will judge your relationship because of it. She pretends shes on the phone with him, then has a hissy fit. She is also a compulsive liar, we have caught her in a million DIFFERENT lies. Including the time she went to a Nail salon that turned out to be verbatim a Angelina Johnson skit. Pretend to be a vegetarian when she really eats meat and lies about it. Also, she will judge you on the fact that you eat meat, every time you cook it.

This, is just a taste of shit I CAN remember. There is a longer list, I assure you.

You know. I could forgive ALL OF THIS BULLSHIT, if she hadn't lied straight to my face about stealing food from me. I don't even remember if I wrote this down but, Corinne and I had went halfs on a bucket from KFC. We both ate some and counted how much we had left so we could split it up for lunch tomorrow. That night Bek told me she was going to stop being a vegetarian because it was 'too expensive'. I told her, 'Cool, just don't touch my chicken.' Honestly, I said DO NOT not, please do.

So that night Alison had a Big mac, she couldn't finish it so she put it in the fridge. The next day, I go to get my chicken out.......

And someone ate like two of the pieces, and ripped skin off of all of the other pieces.

I asked Corinne if she ate it, she said no. I asked Alison, she said no cause one, wasn't hers, two, she had a Big mac to finish.

I turn to Bek, I ask her if she ate it.

She told me no.

Okay. So Corinne looks in the trash to make sure we weren't just short changed. No. She finds the bones stripped clean and hidden in a Ross bag that hadn't been there before.

I turn to her and say again, did you eat the chicken?

I would have forgave her if she had said yeah, she was just really hungry. You know, like she was sorry.

But she said no, over and over again.

Later we had a text war, she kept saying no she didn't eat it, but if I wanted to blame her she'd take the heat. I told her no burglar broke in to steal my chicken, and the math didn't add up. If she thought I was a moron, since she had to think I was if I believed her story. She told me if I had said I hadn't ate it, she would have believed me... which is a bold face lie btw.

So we had this huge argument which ended with me telling her that because she lied, things would never be the same. She had FUCKED our friendship. Because if I can't trust her to tell the truth over stupid chicken, I can't trust her for jack.

And everything went down hill from there.

But seeing as I'm not the only one who feels this way, then I must not be insane. She expects people to cater to her, to pick up after her, to allow her to do whatever she wants, when she wants.

I sorta miss my issues with Kiara at this point, because Kiara looks like Mother TERESA at this point. Bunny poo on the carpet is nothing compared to lying and stealing.

I am at a loss. We have ALL tried to talk to her, but she won't listen.

I'm about two seconds from popping off over here. The sad thing is, SHE KNOWS I WANNA KICK HER ASS RIGHT NOW. And she acts all innocent and oblivious. She keeps pushing me and pushing me.

Sean said today, "I could see you cutting a bitch." And you know what?

I would.

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