Aight, so I went to Boston with my parents two weeks ago, and took bunches and bunches of pictures. These are the ones of BU alone, I'll post the ones of Boston later. And at the bottom I put a link to three of the dorms that I opted for ...
1. Boston University main campus:
2. The Castle (that's ivy all over it)
3. The Castle (with ivy and all)
4. Inside the Castle
5. Big-ass gym
6. Side of BU, overlooking downtown Boston
7. Looking accross the river from the riverbank in front of BU
Ok, now for the housing options I put down on my housing survey. I really hope they put me in one of my top choices. The first is the Trustee House. All trustee scholars are allowed to live there, but there are a limited number of spots, so it's on a first-come, first-get basis. The second is the Engineering House. Both of the houses are really nice brownstones, in quiet neighborhoods and about 10 minutes away from the campus itself. The last one is smack in the middle of campus. It's 3 towers, all freshmen (1800 out of the 4000 freshmen live there). It's a total party dorm (which may or may not be a good thing).
1. Choice One: Trustee House (I probably won't get in as a freshie, but you can visit me here soph year and later :)
2. Trustee lobby
3. Trustee dorm
4. Other side of dorm (yes, that's a fireplace! :)
5. Trustee common area
6. Choice Two: Engineering House
7. Eng. house hallway
8. Eng. house dorm
9. Warren Towers (has an engineering floor, which is makes me happy ... but it's a party dorm, so my chances of keeping my 3.5 ... hmm, not so hot)
10. Entrance
11. Warren towers dorm
And now a few pictures of Boston itself:
1. I took this one from in front of BU as well.
2. Monica's Kitchen ... hahahaha, funniest sign ever
3. Three generations of architecture: the small brick building was the original state house (1700's), then there's an old brick building from the early 1900's, and then today's skyscrapers:
4. Riding that Democrat Donkey! Yeeeeeeehaw!
5. More pretty buildings:
6. Aaaaaaaaaand me proudly wearing my Boston sweater in front of the Paul Revere Mall sign :)
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! So that's that! I'm so excited!!! Come visit me people!