Apr 26, 2006 15:39
I'm sixteen days away from being nineteen years-old, and my freshman year of college is almost complete. I look back and I can't believe all the things I have learned - academically, personally, musically and just in general - in only 9 months. I can't believe how much everyone has changed, including myself - some of it for the better, some of it for the worse. I can't believe how many close friends I've made, and how many people I've met. I can't believe that this place feels more like home to me than Merritt Island - which is a wonder considering how I've lived in Merritt Island for nearing 8 years.
I can't wait for next year. I can't wait for the new room with my not-so-new-to-me roommate. I can't wait for the pressure of performance to be gone, and the new life of education to begin. I can't wait to take new and interesting classes like Race & Ethnicity and Music World Cultures. I can't wait to have a different voice teacher, not that Dan wasn't great, but I'm anxious to have a different point of view. I can't wait to party again, this time with more knowledge and security than before. I can't wait for all my high school buddies to come up here, and then be the newbies who I get to show around. I can't wait to be back in Tallahassee and be closer to Ezra. I can't wait to no longer be a freshman!
And yet I'm going to miss MI, as usual.