So. I'm sure you've all read about online romance scams where somebody finds out a person they've been corresponding with for quite awhile turns out not to be who they say they are. You've also probably read accounts of scams wherein the scammer doesn't even exist. Here's a
really interesting one I read about sometime last year. It's quite
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My hilarious friends wanted to get my boyfriend jealous during one of our stormy break-ups. Said boyfriend has now been my awesome husband for over 14 years. He was young and well...young.
Hilarious friends set me up with a test pilot we met on a flight we were working one night to West Palm Beach. They picked the test pilot, as my recent boyfriend was in flight school with the Navy and they thought it would get his goat if I were to date a senior officer. Test pilot was in full uniform with impressive chest full of awards. And for the record, very handsome. I continue to condense...First date: I flew down to Miami (on my days off) for an airshow that this "test pilot" was working. We parked the aircraft at the gate. The front end crew (pilots) that I knew well, were all excited as I exited the aircraft. "Look Merc," (Hah!) "Your limo is here!"
Looking out the front of the cockpit windows I saw a Dade County Police helicopter and my "test pilot" leaning provocatively against it, with roses in his hand. He was of course in one of those one-piece flight suits with the zipper that goes all the way to there. This was, by all standards, a higher ranking alpha male....I was greatly intrigued!
It was my ride to the airshow! Way to impress the ladies on a first date.
The airshow was fun. Lots of women flirting with my date...he was "guarding" a very deadly looking F-14 (very TopGun) and hanging with the other pilots. He signed autographs all day... The cops got to put their chopper next to the plane for pictures and I'm sure he wrangled other benefits for their kindness in picking me up at the airport.
Nice first date...condensing some more...he would vanish for weeks, claimed he had been in an accident in England testing a British aircraft. (Tornado, I think) Could never confirm any details...I got fed up with his showing up for a week of dates and then "poof" gone for months. I would get letters from him on official stationery, paper I now know can be bought at any good military exchange.
Turns out, he was posing as a test pilot. He was a Navy dentist who lived in South Florida. He had scammed thousands of dollars from other women. Not me, I don't know why he never tried any of that nonsense on me. He had fooled tons of military personnel. Lots of folks got in trouble as he had ID and was allowed access all over the planet as a test pilot. None of the other pilots caught on! He was amazingly good at what he did. I do give hubby (then boyfriend) credit. He was totally suspicious of him. Checked up on his supposed dates of attending Test Pilot School and couldn't find any record of least it did make boyfriend jealous and we got back together so I suppose it was worth the embarrassment. Maybe not.
I received a call from the DA in Pensacola one day asking me if I'd like to contribute information on him. They didn't need me at the trial as they had a whole lot of women who were after him for absconding with their money!!! I politely declined to join that dog and pony show. I had one of those famous high-brow newspapers call me, asking me for an interview. I declined that as well. Boyfriend was smug for weeks. Friends were mortified. Hah! He probably has a "MySpace" page now and is still up to his old tricks!
Needless to say I am sooo happy I didn't get physically or financially involved with him. I would imagine your brother's girlfriend could be lining him up for money. Needs help with bills, etc. At the very least she is messing with him emotionally. Secretive is not a good start for a relationship. I hope he shakes off the "dumb" and deletes her from his mailbox permanently.
I hadn't thought about that chapter of my life in years! I wonder if he ever got out of jail? *sporfle*
Heh, though I don't care much for Dr. Laura she does have some good things to say to guys about this kind of thing. Brother is definitely the rescuing type. And I forgot to mention, this kind of thing has sort of happened before. He actually gave his number to some girl online who said she was contemplating suicide, and he spent two whole nights up talking to her trying to get her to see a councilor. When I found out about it I informed him that she was probably just using him to get sympathy and attention, and that if she wanted help she'd call a suicide hotline or something. He finally got the picture and cut her off, but hasn't stopped trying to be a White Knight yet. And his former girlfriend (one who he actually met in person this time) was the kind of chick who had constant family drama and was constantly unloading on him. She also didn't mind him paying for everything even though he works a service job and her parents are filthy rich (they live in Orange County ) It took him about a year to get rid of her, too.
You had a pretty interesting story there, though :D I'm really glad you didn't end up a victim of theft like the others. It's gotta be bad enough to know you're taken without having all your stuff taken too!
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