Fill out and leave in a comment on this post only. DO NOT make an entire new entry with your application or Dr. Cox will come after you with a rolled up newspaper.
If you don't get your first choice, please consider applying for another character. We want as much of the staff playing as possible!
That's a good Newbie. )
He spent most of the morning lost in a happy stupor on the third floor, following Scooter around and mopping a giant puddle in front of the doors he went into so that he would slip when he came out. That trick had only worked twice before the kid had gotten smarter and learned to look for wet spots. This disappointed Janitor, but he soon got back his stride when he caught the kid in the bathroom. Remembering "Dr. Megalomaniac Bastard's" (as he so affectionately referred to Cox) mention of Scooter's inability to pee under stress, he spent twenty minutes just standing directly behind the kid at a disturbingly close proportion. Scooter had finally screamed in frustration and ran out, fly still open for all the world to see.
The rest of the day was mostly a blur, punctuated by instances of Scooter abuse performed by himself, as well as watching Dr. Cox verbally abuse the kid. For some reason, watching Cox do it as opposed to doing it himself never had as much satisfaction, and left him wondering why a pool of (what surely couldn't be) jealously formed in his stomach whenever Dr. Cox stared at the kid so intensely and as if he was trying to say something besides the rant coming out of his mouth. He thought what was more disturbing was the way he felt when JD stared back.
But today was not the day to concentrate on things like that. Instead, he zipped out of work as soon as his shit was up, arriving home exactly at 4:30 and opening the mailbox. Inside was the large, lumpy envelope containing the Janitor's dream come true. In an instant he had torn it open, the government sealed envelope floating gently to the ground below.
This was it. Finally, after thirty-some-odd years, he had gotten a name change. No longer would he be the laughing stock of the acting community, or even the guys at Janitor's school. Finally, he would have a real, normal name.
He blitzed through the papers, finally coming upon the new issued birth certificate, folded gently in half. It was ungraciously pulled open, and Janitor's eyes flew to the paper, waiting to see his new name in print.
Instead, he saw "Jan Itor" printed clearly on the certificate, and a slip of paper fell from between the folded sheet. With trembling, shocked hands, he picked it up and read it to himself.
Name Change Rejected. Reason: Applicant wrote his Career in First/Last Name Boxes.
There was only one thing Janitor could think at the moment. He would find some way to blame Scooter for this. Somehow, it was always that kid's fault.
(And as for the RP journal, I'll make it if I get accepted :))
W00t, I'll make my journal tonight then.
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