Fill out and leave in a comment on this post only. DO NOT make an entire new entry with your application or Dr. Cox will come after you with a rolled up newspaper.
If you don't get your first choice, please consider applying for another character. We want as much of the staff playing as possible!
That's a good Newbie. )
-Name: Kylie
-Age: 19
-RP/Scrubs Experience: I don't have any Scrubs RP experience, but RP wise... on a forum on t'net, I've gotten over 50,000 posts, as I have no lfie. Plus, I'm a member of 2 CSI rp comms here on lj (Information is in my normal LJ profiel), moderator of one of them.
-Why do you want to be this character? The Todd? Because he's awesome! To be honest, Ted and Jordan are my favourites, but I don't think I could do them justice. Todd will be awesome to play, because my mind is almost as smutty as his!
-Notes: I just love to rp, to be honest. I read everyones posts, not just my own, because even after all the rp I've done, I find myself still learning new techniques and hell, better ways of describing the scene. I love the slash, I'll be honest. That's why I'm a member of two CSI slash comms.
-Contact Info: email and msn - AIM - sleepyjaffa
-Name: The Todd
-Age: 31
-Sexual Preference: He's the Todd - everyone is hot, regardless of gender!
-Physical Appearance: Rather muscular, and knows it. Tattoo on arm that says 'DOC'. Always wearing brightly coloured bandanas for theatre. Cut off scrubs, that show off his arms. Unibrow that gets waxed often. Tall, about 6ft. Brown hair, brown eyes.
-Personality: Sexual pervert. Loves innuendo, and perhaps is a little too into banana hammocks. He has a 'frat boy' personality, and often lacks a lot of common sense. However, he's one of the most intelligent, and best surgeons out there. Loyal to his friends, inventive in his ways of finding openings for his innuendo.
-Background: Made out with his mom, which is the main reason behind his use of innuendo. He doesn't understand proper, and improper social barriers. His love of the human body - mainly male and female genatalia, led him to his job in plastic surgery.
*Sample RP Post*:
Todd was bored. Really bored. It'd been almost 15 minutes since he'd last made a wise crack about boobs, which wasn't his brightest moment. Why? Because it had been to Lavern. But hell, he did get one hell of a face five for it!
He was doing anything and everything to keep his mind off of his upcoming operation. It was just all wrong, and hit him in so many ways. Morally to him, it felt wrong. He'd tried his best to persuade the patient to not go through with it, but almost came away with another face five there. Darnit. He hated breast reduction surgery, almost as much as he hated missing an opening. Talking of which... he sniffed the air. Furrowing his brow, the Todd was deep in thought. He could smell something glorious happening.
So there you go guys. That's my 'application'. Hope it gives you all an idea what to put, and helps you get to know how I'm gonna be playing The Todd =D
My roleplay journal is the_x_todd
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