[Filtered to canon Celestial Being members//Unhackable]
I would like to speak to each of you individually. Since you all seem to come from different time periods, I would like to know what experience you have with certain situations.
My apologies, Sumeragi Lee Noriega, but I feel this is needed in order to properly assess who needs - or wishes - to be informed on what. I feel it would be better for all of us to operate on the same page, as the saying goes.
[/Filtered to canon Celestial Being members//Unhackable]
[Filtered to all Purg!Celestial Being members//Unhackable]
I have received a basic overview of Celestial Being's goals as they pertain to this... Purgatory. I have also received a few reports of incidents that have happened, and going through the records I have found several more. However, eyewitness accounts would be more illuminating, if slightly less accurate. Any significant events, especially within the past several months, are of interests to me.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
[/Filtered to all Purg!Celestial Being members//Unhackable]
Those that should not be alive are alive here. Those who should know things do not.
Lockon Stratos. The first one. I should speak to him soon. He needs to know. Not out of some foolish sentiment. But because he should know that his sacrifice truly made a difference.
All of us have changed the world. Will change the world. Our work is not done. When I return, Ribbons Almark will no longer have control over Veda. Any other course is unacceptable.