Jun 19, 2005 20:37
5 Things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. When you are mindless, bored and need a way to suck away time. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make a list, post it and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.
1. blastin the music while pretending that i am the lead singer of a band/rocking out by jumping on my bed and going crazy
2. i'll admit it, i like playing text twist or a little free cell (spider solitaire is too puss)
3. looking at pictures from the year, playing around with the colors and stuff on photoshop
4. baking random shit...i now enjoy making pies and cakes
5. watching a good movie while in my wonderful bed...randomly passing out sometimes...then waking up at 2 in the morning wondering where the time went
i tag- corine, taylor, josh, sara, and liz