(no subject)

Jun 18, 2012 02:55

So, I'm sitting here feeling my Ambien kicking in and when that happens, my mind gets kind of loopy. I used to write random emails to people whilst in Nyquil to people, that didn't make much sense. I guess the reason behind doing them was to prove that even under the i8nfluence of dr prescribed pharmacutecals, I could still function as well as I do when they aren't in my system. That these drugs didn't affect me or my logic center. But I'm wrong. I know this because there are spelling errrors in this post and me being a grammer Nzai and all, I wouldn't normally let that shite fly. BUt I am just too tried and tooo far gone down the sleeepy trail to care about fixing those problems at the momemnt. I'm ignoring them and my OCD is screaming at me for do so. Yeah, I'm a real fuckied up cat tonight. My brain won't shut down, my OCD is kicking me in da balls and my eyelids are sinmking like the Titanic. I can't remember why I came over here or what thought in my heads brought me to the keys, my ebony altar, but even if I did recalll I seriously doubt that I cpuld make sense enoigh of it at this moment in time to fucking do it justice. So, I will cut my losses, realize this probably wasn't the bestest idea ever and hope when I come back and read it another day, I'm not tooo embarrassed.

If you're visiting from FB, I promise, this isn'tt a reflection of my best work. Try not to jugde me too harshly.
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