Title: "Rings"
Universe: Boys Sensation
Characters/Pairing(s): Aidan, Luke, Aidan/Luke
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Written for
runaway_tales prompts Peanut Butter #6: Metal and Wedding Cake #12: Wedding Ring(s).
Aidan's was a gold braid. 18k. Yellow, rose, and white gold. Luke had had it custom made, just for Aidan. It was engraved with their names and the date of their wedding. Aidan and Lucas. August 15, 2015. It didn't look like much, but it was perfect. Aidan loved it, treasured it.
Luke's was a bit different. It was a simple platinum band, but it was also custom made to match his engagement ring. It had a row of sapphire gemstones (to match the stone in his engagement ring). It was everything he had wanted in a ring and more.