Title: "Boys Sensation Beach Party"
Universe: Boys Sensation
Characters/Pairing(s): Aidan
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Written for
runaway_tales prompts Peanut Butter #2: Water and Chocolate Truffle #7: Fan Club
One hundred.
One hundred girls ready to swim and sunbathe and snack on tons of food, and engage in a pizza party.
With the four of them.
God have mercy on their souls.
They could hear the chant of "Boys Sen-Sa-Tion! Boys Sen-Sa-Tion!" from the beach house they were holing up in until four o'clock, when the party started.
So glad it was only one hundred. All winners from a fan club contest.
Who had that idea?
At 3:30, the girls started getting antsy.
At 3:45, Aidan threw his shirt off and greeted the girls. He had a death wish.