
May 28, 2004 11:56

PMSing and a cranky kid do -not- go hand in hand.
You know, is it bad to say you need a break from you kid once in a while?
I think I kind of got used to it when I was still near my parents because every Thursday evening, Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon my mom would take my son out. Not to mention when I worked I knew he was safe with my parents.
Now he hasn't really been out of my sight since I got here and dear god I love him more then life itself but mommy needs a god damned break!
Even for a few hours. Time out with friends, a walk, going out to dinner (if money was an option, which it isn't), out to a movie (same problem). Something for -me- time.

Jamey and his mom help a lot. They do and I am extremely thankful for it. But moving from being alone a lot to a houseful of people takes time to adapt. I have pretty much adapted and so has Brett. But personal time is needed soon or mommy is going to have a breakdown.

On the other hand this rant could be -because- I'm PMSing...

Gotta love being a woman...gah
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