Saturday night I went to Nikki's Dad's house in Sebring.
It was freezing cold outside, but we walked to the nearest gas station (which is 2-3 minutes away) to get cigarettes. I wore her freaking huge snow boots and I'm positive the guy at the register thought I was 12. Anyways, Marlboro Ultra Light cigarettes are up to $4.40 now, so I might as well buy my own tobbaco and roll a complete carton for $17. Not only is it more efficient ... I might die faster. After we bought cigarettes and a Polar Pop, Chris picked us up and we went to Wal*Mart, where I drew OMGxCREW graffiti on the bathroom stall door. Yay ... represent.
We went to Megan's apartment to chill for a while, didn't drink ... didn't smoke, it was a good straight edge time.
As we were leaving, we realized we locked ourselves out of Nikki's Dad's house, so Chris said we could spend the night at his.
When we got to his house, he went into his Mom's bedroom to wake her up and ask her if we could spend the night, and she ended up yelling "NO" loud enough for Nikki and I to hear.
After arguing back and forth with her for what seemed like a lifetime, she finally agreed to let us sleep in the living room on the couch that folds into a bed.
Click the 'Read More' link for picture's.
Today was the start of Red Ribbon Week at school. Basically, everyone is supposed to tie a red ribbon around their arm and sign a red pledge sheet to symbolize the fact that they say no to drugs. I signed the pledge sheet, but only because they entered the names into a drawing to win something. In 2nd period, Mr. Spack collected the pledge sheets and told us that "It's okay to not be drug free, we have the freedom to do so ... blah blah blah." I have a newfound respect for that man, and a feeling that he has smoked pot at some point in his life. Then again, who hasn't?
Tonight Mother and I got into an argument about senior pictures via the phone and she ended up hanging up on me, at which point I threw the phone across the room, yelled obscenities ... etc. Finally, I calmed down when PJ came over and we went to Abel Steve's to print copies of the designs for the Abelweenfest t-shirts PJ made. I sat in the corner and talked on the phone to piercings Steve, because he's supposed to re-pierce my nose before I get my senior pictures taken this Friday. After PJ and I left Abel Steve's, we went to Taco Bell to take pictures of his painted face (he wanted to look like Wolfgang Von Frankenstein of the Misfits.) My camera ran out of batteries, so we went to Wal*Mart to buy some and ended up running into Randy Brammer. Brammer told me I have crazy anime hair. Yay, at least for once someone doesn't think it resembles a mullet. We walked around Wal*Mart calling each other "scene". And after we left, we went to Bruster's to harass Nichole Mahouski (PJ's cousin) and Kim Chamberlain. Kim has a nose stud, which really pisses me off because I'M THE ONLY FUCKING PERSON IN SALEM WHO ISN'T ALLOWED TO WEAR ONE! THEY ALWAYS NOTICE MINE! WTF? *Deep breaths*
So then we went back to Taco Bell to take pictures.
And then PJ dropped me off at my house.
And Brammer and I are supposed to go thrifting tomorrow.
Second hand shopping with Randy? Sureee.
Click on the 'Read More' link for pictures of tonight's fine festivities.