May 19, 2003 01:21
So... in explanation of my week, I think I'll just tell the ending results:
1. Taking a drug test later today to prove to my mom and dad that I'm not on any type of drugs.
2. Trying to convince my dad from kicking me out of the house and from taking my car from me as well.
3. Trying to console my mother and let her know I'm not pregnant and I'm not doing drugs.
4. Feeling like shit as I watch my mom sit and cry on the couch because her beloved daughter is a fucking failure.
5. Josh can go fuck himself.
6. Lost my second family because of my so-called drug addiction.
7. Regressing back to my 'Andrew'-days, and I'm lovin' it.
8. Thanking God that Jon (my pharmacist) is like my big brother and isn't going to tell the State Board about my so-called drug addiction. (thanks, Josh)
I swear, after I take this drug test, I'm gonna get all kinds of fucked up... just because I can.
Fuck you, buddy.