(no subject)

Aug 22, 2005 09:45

wow, i haven't written in a long time. i'm sort of past this whole livejournal thing since everytime i get online its to talk to matias...so therefor i don't even have time to write but...lucky for you guys, he's not on now so i'll write alittle something.
well i've been sick for almost a week now and it sort of sucks. i had a headache for like 5 days and i would take medicine and it'd go away for like half an hour and then come back worse. but i'm feeling a little better now. i'm just really stuffy and all that junk but...it'll go away soon...i hope.
well, everythings going amazingly well with matias. last week, august 18, was our 7th month aniversary...(in spanish our cumple-mes, jaja). i can't believe its been 7 months already! i mean come on, i've never had a boyfriend before and now its already 7 months with one. i'm like wow! look how quickly we grow up. haha. but yeah, he's trying to get a VISA and all so he can come here in december for christmas and stuff and then he'll stay till mid january so we'll be together for january 18, our one year aniversary. i'm so excited! because i know that time will come really soon....I WANNA SEE HIM NOW!!!!!!! i'm going crazy missing him! HELP YOU GUYS!!!
well, anthony left saturday. i'm sad. i actually shed a tear on saturday because he gave me his drumsticks and had a whole story behind it and yeah, so now i have them in my room and i was cleaning up my room and saw them and remembered how he's gone and it reminded me of how matias is gone too. like the situation im in with anthony is the same as the one with matias. i just started realizing how much history anthony and i really have. besides the whole him stalking me thing for like 2 or 3 years (which is just a joke, he just was head over heals in love with me) we went through so much more than that. whenever we had problems in our family or deaths or whatever we would always go to eachother to cry with and talk about things. and now its like he left, and as much as he's always gonna be there on the phone for me, it's not the same. and it made me realize that its just like matias, except matias is more important (sorry, he's my bf i have to say that). but, im really gonna miss anthony. i hope he comes back soon so i can give him something i didnt get to give him before he left. and yeah, hopefully sometime soon we can go make a drive up there and visit him. that'd rock! we should surprise him!! anybody up for it??? LET'S GO!!!

ok well i made this entry count for the million and one i havent put up in a while so im gonna go now. people better comment! bc if not i wont write anymore...cya!

MATIAS...TE AMO MI AMOR!!! jaja <3
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