May 25, 2009 22:09
Okay.... the definite date for ForneyCon 2009 is July 10-12 (well... pretty much July 10 & 11 with a bit of wrap-up on the 12th).
Details are needing to be hammered out. Please post here and say if you can definitely come, definitely can't come (I know a few have posted this response in the previous note) or want to but still need to make up your mind.
We're needing a head count to plan games. Speaking of games - we really need to know if people are willing to run stuff (and what) and also what people are willing to play. Again - this info will be used to figure out what games we'll be playing. We need to know quickly since it takes time to come up with good game stuff.
Let me know. Let me know. Let me know (or let hubby know - but posting here is best!) Hope to see all your shining faces in July!