Tiny little fractures

Apr 14, 2006 23:44

No matter how many times you fall in love, no matter how many people you love.
And no matter how many times you get your heart torn in two and put it back together. It still fucking hurts just as much and sometimes more the next time it happens. Love isn't one of those things you learn from so it won't hurt you again, the only thing you'll learn is that it Will hurt and you'll just have to deal with it. Sometimes it hurts more then other times, but it is impossible to be In love and not get hurt at one time or another.

And I sit here bawling my fucking eyes out, knowing I did it to myself. I fucked everything up. And I fucking know it.
I loved her so much and I just threw it away on something I didn't even want to do. I never learn.
I told myself I wasn't going to get close to anyone, I told myself I wouldn't look into anyones eyes and let them look in mine...I let her see through me and I got attached. And I don't regret any time I spent with her because the time I spent with her was some of the best times i've ever had. And she taught me more in less than a year than most people I know have taught me in years.
I never once felt trapped with her. I always wanted to be with her, and only her.
She helped me to question myself, and improve myself, and wonder about what the hell is out there in the world. I've never looked into someones eyes who looked so innocent and unaware of what was going on around her know exactly what the fuck is up with the world.

I think i'm moving away as soon as I turn 18. I might move to New mexico and live with Ben. He's going to college there and wants me to stay with him. Plus, I miss the guy. He's stuck by my side when i've been at my worst and at my best. It's hard to find friends that actually give a shit. I'm glad Ben is one of those friends.
Where ever I end up going i'm coming back to menomonie when Nora turns 18. End one chapter of life and start a new one.

"Drink life as it comes, straight no chaser"-Bush.
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