Happy Spring break!
001. Name: sam
002. nick name: sami, spam, spammy, shpamers, samanth, sammy g. dawg, jailbait
003. Single or taken:
004. Place of Birth: I wasn’t born, silly
005. Zodiac Sign: Cancer, so I am both a crab (great, the only STD you can get without any sexual contact, unless your Neitzche, which I am not) and a disease (how fitting)
006. Male or Female: androgynous nowadays
007. Your last name: Morrice (moore-eese)
008. School: Sage Hill
009. Occupation: occupational hazard
010. Residence: Laguna
011. Your sn : raizinganeyebrow (improves cool points if it’s misspelled right?)
__Your Appearance___
012. Hair Color: blonde
013. Hair Long or Short: medium
014. Eye Color: blue/grey depending
015. How do your nails look: heh, well I haven’t cut them for awhile, so I have a very impressive coke nail thing going on right now, plus the fact that there are still a few flecks of nail polish on them, so same as it ever was basically
016. Height: 5'5”
017. Do you have a crush on someone: crushed
018. Do you like yourself: pass?
019. Braces?: No longer
020. Think your awesome?: Silly quiz maker, I don’t think
021. Piercings?: 3, all in my ears
022. Tattoo: nada
023. Righty or Lefty: Right
___Your 'Firsts'___
024. First Kiss: Cruise ship before eighth grade
025. First time:
026. First best friend(s): Lindsay Taylor, who I haven’t seen in at least a year, that whole staying in touch thing? Not so much
027. First Award: In second grade I won the free throw shootout, so I have this awkward looking trophy lying somewhere in the depths of my dads house, which probably will not make the move
028. First Sport You Joined: gymnastics
029. First pet: Monster Kitty, we set out a bowl of milk for her because she came into our backyard looking like death and she just never left
030. First vacation: Monterey, when I was 2 months old, started early…
031. First Concert: LA Philharmonic bitches
032. First Love: My mom, I mean, who else tried to push me out of their womb?
___ Favorites___
033. Movie: Momento, I Heart Huckabees, Princess Bride, The Last Unicorn, Moulin Rouge,
034. TV Show: Who’s Line is it Anyway?, Daily Show, Family Guy, Friends
035. Color(s): black
036. Music: Technically I’m alternative, because I’m not quite Indie since y’know I don’t cum when I hear Sigur Ros, but yeah, I just listen to a lot of music
037. Song: Eh? Too many to choose from
038. Food: Cereal
039. Drink: Diet Vanilla Pepsi bitches
040. Candy: reeses
041. Sport To Play: basketball
042. Place to be: with my friends, not at home
043. Brand Of Clothing: the kind you can wear
046. Animal(s): Red Pandas (so cute!), Tigers, Otters, Ferrets
047. Books: Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, 1984, Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, Fluke or I know why the whale sings, The Devil Wears Prada, The Martian Chronicles
048. Magazines: don’t really read magazines
049. Eating: nothing
050. Drinking: English breakfast
051. Mood: anxious as fuck
052. Online: Livejournal
053. Listening to: Do The Whirlwind-Architecture in Helsinki
056. Watching: the Oleander plants rustling outside
057. Wearing: jeans and a t-shirt
___Your Future___
058. Want Kids?: not really
059. Want to Get Married?: not really at this point
060. Careers in Mind: actress, ambassador, reviewer, really any kind of performing
__Which is Better With The Opposite Gender__
068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes.
069. Hugs or Kisses: kisses, not gonna lie
070. Short or Tall: doesn’t matter
071. Easygoing or serious: easygoing
072. Romantic or Spontaneous: Spontaneous.
073. Fatty or Skinny: neither preferably
074. Sensitive or Loud: sensitive
075. Hook-up or Relationship: …
076. Sweet or Caring: Caring, but usually when a person is caring they are sweet, so I dunno
077. Trouble Maker or Hesitant: Trouble maker.
___Have You Ever___
078. Kissed a Stranger: I always know their name
079. Drank Bubbles: uh, in champagne
080. Lost glasses/contacts: I don’t have either
081. Ran Away From Home: ya
082. Broken a Bone: no
083. Got an X-ray: for my teeth
084. Broken Someone's Heart: Never intentionally
085. Broke Up With Someone: Yes
086. Turned Someone Down: Yes
087. Cried When Someone Died: Yes
088. Cried At School: Recently actually
___Do You Believe In___
089. God: Higher Power
090. miracles: since you came along, you sexy thang
091. Love At First Sight: No
092. Ghosts: I swear I’ve seen one
093. Aliens: Sure I live in Southern California I see a lot of them, but seriously I dunno, the odds seem high that yes there is some planet out there with other aliens
095. Heaven: Maybe, I’m undecided
096. Hell: On Earth yes
098. Kissing on The First Date: Of course
099. Horoscopes: Christ no
___Answer Truthfully___
100. Is There Someone You Want But You Know You Can't Have?: Yes