May as well start with Friday and come forward on this one...
Let's see, Friday truly started off when I showed up to pick up
ladycelebrian and got to hang out with her for a bit before dropping her off for work and discussing our plans for hopefully catching the meteor shower that night and praying the clouds and rain would be away so we could see the show. After we left her place we then picked up a couple blankets and a couple energy drinks for later on that night. Then, with much snuggling and general enjoyment, I got to drop her off at work to head off to my own. Of course, during the time I spend reading a book in my car before my shift starts, I was approached by one of my many boses and asked to drive down to Cami in Ingersoll(other side of Woodstock) to work there until 9. Hey, since they're paying for mileage and stopping at 9 means I can come back and give my Lady a surprise, I was all for it.
I'll just fast-froward through all the work related shit here by saying I came out of it all with a swanky little Health and Safety pamphlet and a really nice pair of kevlar arm sleeves. I got out of there at 9 and stopped in at my mother's place in Woodstock on my way back to town to show off my new car, which I hadn't had a chance to do yet, since I only put it on the road on Tuesday. Everyone there liked it and my uncle, the resident expert I have on older cars agreed to go over my beast with a fine tooth comb next weekend and see what all really does need work. So, cool, free mechanic. Gotta love it.
From there I proceeded to get my butt back into town so I can be outside someone's work for 11 rather than having them walk to meet me for 11:30. Which all worked out great. And she didn't see me initially when she came outside, so I got to watch her wander around a bit, checking out the skies(which were slightly overcast, suckie), and it was just fun to watch her in her element without knowing I was there. And she was being oblivious enough that her friends had to point her right over to me after she'd already walked 20 feet in my general direction without really paying attention. Priceless moment was the "What are you doing here?" again. I have to do this more often it would seem. :]
So, seeing as the skies were a little cloudy, at least cloudy enough to keep us from seeing the meteor shower right away, we got us some Wendy's then did a nice little tour out of town. Of course it's during all this that my car makes odd noises at me and we determine my one whel is loose on the hub. Yay. Cancelled the idea of driving too much. So, we hung out indoors all night and watched movies. The initial plan was to stay up all night since we were going to be doing a first thing in the morning move anyways. Didn't quite work out. We both ended up with about an hour of sleep between 6 am and 7:30. And amazingly enough, it only took 15 minutes of constant effort and torute to wake her up. Amazingly enough we were on the road to pick up the other movers by 8.
And here comes the traditional horror stories of moving my brother. The truck that was going to be carrying all the stuff was available for 8. The person who was going to be picking it up was still dead asleep at 7:40 when we called him and his room mate... Driver of course requires a 45 minute shower. I was to pick up LadyCelebrian and then two more of our buddies who room together back across town. One of them of course hurt his back on Friday, and he is our usual expert on organizing the truck, having been a shipper for a factory that handles small furniture. At least the other from there, the Postal Worker, was awake, alive, and ready to go. So, having woken up the truck driver and his room mate at 7:40 to go get the ruck, we took ourselves out for breakfast to then go for the move.
Breakfast included Timbits and coffee or hot-chocolate, depending on who you're lookin at. Of course, we got the slowest(both physically and mentally) Tommy's employee in existance, trainee badge be-damned. After more noises from my wheels on the way to Timmy's it was also decided that we would change vehicles before heading to the move(Which I'm thankful for, because I found out my room mate, who got access to my car during the day, and how let me borrow his, got to deal with it all when that wheel seized up totally, and then fixed it for me, nice guy that he is).
Obviously we killed a lot of time getting breakfast and changing cars, because when we got to the move site, the guys were just getting in with the truck as we showed up.
The move went fairly well, all things considered. Strangely enough, everything was packed. It's a rare delight when everything is already packed for a move.... Took us about an hour and a half to load the truck. I got the fine job of organizing everything as it got put in. Which worked out well as we took it to just short of the back doors. One quick drive back to town and through the Fergus Scottish Festival later and we got to doa quick unload of the truck. Which involved me passing out on the floor of the truck at around 1pm...I guess everyone thought I might be dead as none got so much as a twitch out of me(I woke up to a snow brush you'd use for your windows, carressing my neck. I guess in my mind I thought it was my speical someone, only to get a rude surprise). I was good to finish the last of the move from there though.
We all then got cleaned up a bit and went to get food at Joey's Fish'n'Chips which is just around the corner from where my brother now lives. Most of my early memories of being there yesterday are fuzzy. I started thinking clearly again after some food got into my system. I was most of the way into my lunch/supper before I realized what all was going on. Overall, it worked out well.
Due to a bit of convenient sharing of loot(One of the the movers came out of the move with an AC unit which took up his backseat), I got to drive my Lady home instead of him. Ha! So, I got to end the move by snuggling with her a bit, since we had to behave ourselves throughout the move. It was really nice and I look forward to doing that much more in the future. I had to leave her there though cause I needed to get home and take care of a few things of my own and grab a nap that would be safe from "distractions". Which turned into being passed out for about 15 hours. Which brings us up to the now for the most part.
May the weekend continue!