Jul 22, 2006 16:53
I really want to go to Europe but I don't know if I can. I asked my mom if I can go for my bday and xmas gift, and she said yes. But that's her talking, so it means very little. I just have to bring the idea up to my dad, and see what his response is. I might have to pay for most of it, and if that's the case, I have to seriously think about it. Because I am also paying for most of the apartment. Which also reminds me that I am now broke. So, I can't spend much more money anymore if I want to have somewhere to live.
So all of the money that I have made working at Victoria's Secret is now all gone. Why? Because I have to pay for half of an enormous cell phone bill that is all my fault. My mother failed to tell me the entire plan of our phones. I was under the impression that I had free mobile to mobile minutes, which I did up until a certain point. I went over, badly, around 1,000 minutes over. Now, my summer of working, which that money was supposed to help me pay for the apartment is now going to that bill. I am broke.
Part Two: So, my mom called the customer service and she got them to cut our bill in half. This means that my last paycheck goes to this bill and not all of my paychecks, which is better. I still want to go to Europe, and I talked to my dad about it. He said that it was a lot of money, and that he thought I was going to do Summer A in gville because he was paying for the apartment in the summer. Great. So, maybe I'll go to Europe (if I find the money), come back to gville, and go to Summer B. I'll continue to work on him though, because I really do want to go to Europe.
It's a lot harder to hide Richard than I thought. I'm sure that my mom knows that the reason the phone bill was out of control was because I was talking to him constantly. Also, my dad is starting to complain about the gas bill. It's probably because I drive to Coral Springs and back once a week. They're also making my life harder now because they're paranoid that I might sneak off with him or something, I guess (though I am). I slept over the Winstons last night, and my phone died. Today, I was at the mall with Elyssa when somehow my mom got a hold of me through Elyssa's phone. Apparently, my parents looked in the phone book, found Elyssa's address, and drove to her house in order to track me down. Ridiculous. Maybe I will stay in gville this summer in order to have some space, because that is too much for me. I can't even be around them for that long without thinking that they have actually forbidden me to date someone just because of his race. Stupidest thing ever. I asked my mom who I was allowed to date to which she replied, "anyone, as long as they're not Chinese or Black." Can you believe that? And Richard, this doesn't mean that I blame you for anything, so don't take any of this negatively.
On the upside, I got a pink razr. Yes, pink. I know. I like it though.
I still don't know what I am going to do for my birthday. Please give suggestions.