wow. i just realized how strange my schedule will be next semester... on mwf, i have classes straight from 9:30am to 3:30pm. plus, i plan on continuing to work for
role models, which means that i won't get out from school and activities until 5:30pm, at which point i shall surely attack the greasy stands of the O in a manner that no man has ever seen before. on mondays, also,
advanced calc eats up 7-11pm.
on t, i have classes 8:30-10:30am. on r, my last class - undergraduate colloquium with ghosh! who is my advisor, and whom i like very much - ends at 11:30am.
this is all a huge relief, as last semester, i had no evenings monday thru friday in which i was even remotely near free before 9:30. even after i schedule time with my old lady, the only day that i will be busy after 5:30 is monday. i will probably go to puccc (physics upper class course center) a lot, but that is perfectly acceptable as course center is for studying and getting help. yay. :D
i have been thinking about trying to save money for a return to guangzhou over winter break of 2005. i'm not sure if there's a university like this in guangzhou, but fudan university in shanghai allows people to study chinese language for any number of weeks as they choose - and if i could do that in guangzhou in order to keep my oral communication fresh, that would be super; it doesn't necessarily have to be for credit. studying chinese exclusively even for just a short period so far has helped me a lot. winter break 05-06 is a few days shy of four weeks long (beginning officially on december 21 and ending on january 16), but i wonder if universities in guangzhou take breaks for the gregorian new year? fudan has classes running continuously. plus i like guangzhou because things are cheep, like footrubs and drinks and clothes, and i'd be able to get around fairly well since i am a native speaker of cantonese and all that. mm. excitement.
in other news, we found a place that will serve you a huge, tasty, healthy bowl of noodles for 3 kuai - that is, roughly 37 us cents. i think we have eaten there three nights in a row.
pgh needs to get a place like that. large bowls of tasty, healthy noodles for 3 rmb would be great, but i would be perfectly okay with large bowls of tasty, healthy noodles for 3 usd.
heh. also i just found out that the drinking age in china is actually 18 for sure. one of our group, who is 20, got asked for id the other night at pegasus.