What a time I've had!!
School is a nightmare!!
I've only been back about 3 weeks, and I'm already looking out!! (TBH, I've been waiting for the next holiday since day 1...)
We've just received our 'predicted A2 grades' and some of them ain't looking too good...
We're all gonna have a little 'talk' with our dance teacher; I mean, she can't predict us to get C's or even E's!! Especially when SHE hasn't signed us off for our AS!! (Seriously, I've only got 2 AS's ATM...)
I was sick last week... sore throat, my asthma was playing up, and I had bit of a cold...I went to the doctors for a lil' check-up ('cos my mum was concerned about my asthma) and he said it's nothing to worry about, nothing serious. He measured my height and told me that I had grown 1cm since January. Well, Mr. Doctor, you're WRONG! I've grown 2cm since FEBRUARY!! (get your facts right, lol) My cold's all gone (just a few sniffles here and there, though) and my throat's 100%. The only lasting symptom of my sickness is my asthma... but it's not too bad now, my mum's actually letting me attend dance class, now, lol (as dancing too energetically could cause my asthma to flare up)
I've finished filling-out my JLPT form~~ And shall send it off this weekend~ (need to get 2 southern/euro stamps from my uncle)
Watched SHINee's teaser vid for the Japanese ver. of "Lucifer"~!! I'm super-excited!! Though, (and I HAVE to be honest about this) the Japanese lyrics sound a little jarring, compared to the smooth Korean lyrics... It might just be me, but that's what I think. Though, after a few listens through I'll be just as in love with it as I am with the original, lol~~
I know I'm WAAAAAY behind with translating Kime's blog entries, but I'll get back up to speed with them soon enough!! I honestly feel so bad for getting this far behind... T^T
My friends are just some of the greatest people I know~ And they know just how to 'compliment' me~ "God, Lauren, you're so fat!" and "You'd need to eat a Galaxy bar the size of this table (a desk for 2 people) every day to reach normal size" I love my friends~
I'm not dead-skinny, just petite.
I honestly HATE people who are super-skinny... (so I hate myself?? ('_'?) lol)
I know it probably annoys some people that I do absolutely NOTHING to stay the size I am, and I don't starve myself (like some people... *rolls eyes*) But, I obviously don't see myself the same way everyone else does: skinny. *sighs* I've probably bored you all with this rant...
BTW, have any of you seen Kime's pics of him dressed in his drag-queen clothes?? This man is the reason I question my sexuality daily!! I mean it!!
http://ameblo.jp/kimeru-days/image-11023844500-11495675860.html (WTF, he's got drinks cans for curlers, lol)
http://ameblo.jp/kimeru-days/image-11022854526-11493481915.htmlhttp://ameblo.jp/kimeru-days/image-11018144471-11483602865.html (look at those legs!!)
http://ameblo.jp/kimeru-days/image-11015536210-11478191226.html Well, I'll hopefully be posting a lil' bit more frequently, though, I can't promise anythingwith school being a b*tch, and my days becoming more and more sleep-deprived (TBH, I'm surprised I could type this entry at all, lol)