OOC: Application

Jul 05, 2009 03:20

MunName: Nino
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7 - Blazing Sword
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Time Period: Chapter 29x - Battle Preparations, which is the evening right before the army heads off to Dread Isle, fight Limstella, and then Nergal.
Support Conversation rankings: For development purposes, She would be at B support with Jaffar and Erk, and A with everyone else (Merlinus, Rebecca, Canas, Florina, and Legault).
Wing Color: Spring Green
History: [Here.]

Personality: Despite being affiliated with the Black Fang and raised by the cruel and manipulative Sonia, Nino is cheerful, compassionate, naïve, innocent, highly curious, very playful, highly excitable, sometimes scatterbrained, shows signs of ADD, and always open to learning new things. Her quick linking with Rebecca and Florina shows her eagerness to make friends, her conversations with both Erk and Canas display her enthusiasm in learning, her concern in a gravely wounded Jaffar shows her compassion for others, and her sadness/worry at the prospect of facing Linus and Lloyd after ditching the Black Fang demonstrate her attachment to those she cares deeply for.

The importance that she attaches to family and friends can easily be seen through the Black Fang. This is especially true to her feelings towards the organization, despite Nergal and Sonia’s influence. Having been brought into the Fang by Sonia, she still becomes very good friends with all the notable members, including Lloyd, Linus, Legault, and Brendan Reed, who are respectively two of the Black Fangs’ feared Four Fangs, the famed “Hurricane” (most likely the next candidate for a Four Fang member), and the leader of the organization himself. She was quite upset and sad when she finally had to face them in battle, and as she reveals to Florina in their A support, is still very insecure about how Lloyd and Linus, whom she considered to be her brothers, would have felt about her after her betrayal. She is also extremely remorseful of their deaths, and keeps on wondering if it could have been averted only if she could do something to help. This is also true in Legault’s case: she considers him as an uncle, but when he tells her that they will have to separate after the war and she most likely will not see him again during their A support, instead of objecting, she quietly accepts this, though sorrow is unmistakable as she assures him that she can take care of herself, so he should do that too… which also shows that despite her age, she can be very understanding as well. A better example of this would be her B support with Legault, when he asks her if she really has no word of hate, anger or sorrow to say to him, since Legault has quit the Fangs, joined up with Eliwood, and fought one of her brothers back in Bern. Instead of answering that, she merely says that she cannot, because his eyes looked too sad.

Outside of the Black Fang, Nino is eager to befriend people in Eliwood’s army as well. She would seem to hit off very casually with the likes of Rebecca and Florina, but she deeply treasures any relationship she gets. In her support with Florina, one would get the impression that she talks to Florina for kicks, since she jumps subjects way too quickly for the abashed Pegasus knight to follow, but in their A support, she admits that Florina is like a sister to her, and confesses her insecurities to her. As with Rebecca, she is more focused because the older archer can always teach her new and interesting things, and being a curious girl who’s an eager learner, she’s more than willing to be with Rebecca and do things with her. There is also Erk, to whom she connects with academically. He is very impressed with her talent and praises her for it, and her not-so-present self-esteem shows, since she almost breaks down when he tells her that he deeply respects her for her power (Sonia’s fault, see her emotional weakness section). Finally, there’s Canas, to whom she discovers to be her biological uncle, and he is also the one who taught her how to read. The importance she would place upon family comes back, for she mercilessly chides him when he reveals to her that he has a three-years old son back at home. She tells him that he should be at home with him and not out there on a ‘quest of knowledge’, to which he shamefully admits that she is right (B support).

Finally, there’s Jaffar. Her relation with him is the best example to portray her compassion towards everyone, and her willingness to see the kindness that’s surely in their heart. Jaffar first came to her wounded gravely in battle, but instead of killing him like the code of the Fangs dictated, she nursed him back to health. His fascination with her might be a bit creepy, and so is his confession to her that he was highly intrigued by her personality but dismissing that, she still considered him as a great friend. She went so far as to entrust him with the pendant that contained the picture of her family to him, and was delighted when he told her that she was his best friend, believing unconditionally his words and ecstatic that someone would consider her worthy of being a BEST friend. She’s most likely not going to be able to explain the relationship that she holds with him, but it’s without doubt that she cares a -great- deal for him.


[Fighting] As an anima mage, Nino is nothing short of a prodigy. She joins very late as a lvl 5 Mage (unpromoted), which tends to discourage most people in training her because by then, not only would your active army be promoted, the enemies are far too strong for her. With the likes of Erk, Pent, and maybe Priscilla around, Nino as an anima mage would seem superfluous - not to mention that keeping her alive on the battlefield would be difficult as well. If one does bother to level her, however, her growth rates are plain awesome, and once she catches up to your army’s level, easily will become the best mage the game has to offer - high magic, high resistance, high speed and high skill makes her critical often, hit hard, and easily miss-able by enemy units.

Even without taking in consideration of gaming mechanics, during a support conversation Nino has with Erk, he’s extremely impressed to learn that Nino managed to master anima by simply watching and imitating Sonia’s actions - one should not be able to do so unless they understand the meaning of the incantations.

[Emotional] Despite her shady background and questionable entourage, Nino is extremely open-minded and sincerely believes in the good of everyone. She is very compassionate, and will help anyone in need the best she can. Anyone who knows her can declare her to be a ray of sunshine in their lives - optimistic, cheerful, thirsty for knowledge and never one to judge others, she’s easily approachable and can relate well with pretty much anyone.

She also accepts life as it is, especially in regards to her past: her family has been murdered in cold blood, and the only reason why she was kept alive was for her potential usefulness. It is canonly proven when she shows the pendant containing a picture of her family to Jaffar. Upon the mention of a dark stain on the chain, she just sticks her tongue out and admits it’s blood of her real mother when Sonia and Nergal killed them, but instead of freaking out, she asks HIM if it grosses him out, and hope that it’s not the case, since the inside of the locket is much more important. This is pushed even more forward when instead of being depressed and nostalgic, she was delighted to be able to discern their names once Canas actually taught her how to read (she was very young when her family was killed, so she recalls no name at all). Having grown up with Lloyd and Linus and the Black Fang in general most likely taught her the importance of a life, and how to not dwindle on what’s already lost, but focus on what there’s ahead to gain.


[Fighting] Since she’s still a young girl, her constitution is quite weak/low, and so is her defense - by FE battle mechanics, every tome she would equip will be wearing her down, cutting her speed and skill (doesn’t stop the enemies from missing, and Nino criting). She also joins at a low level, which means that she’s quite inexperienced, so you have to be careful while you train her so that she doesn’t get killed in the process.

Canon-wise, experience may be the biggest factor holding her down. Nergal allowed her to live and made Sonia adopt her thinking that she could become useful, but Sonia, holding no love or care for the young girl, never bothered trying to make much out of her. Hence despite her potential, she was never physically trained for battle, and her anima affinity would have been wasted if she remained with Nergal and Sonia.

[Emotional] She’s very naïve. The girl practically does wear her heart on her sleeve, and WILL believe anything she is told no matter how sinister the character. She does have her doubts, but if you’re her superior, or she admires you/seeks your approval in anyway, she will do anything that you will tell her.

Nino does not show it, but she also has a very low opinion of herself. Sonia never cared for her, so she never received any praise for anything she did, having grown accustomed to her cold stepmother’s dismissive attitude towards her on a general scale. It is the reason why she takes any praise to heart no matter from who they are from; despite her positive relations with the rest of the Black Fang, Sonia’s cruel treatment towards her as an uncaring stepmother still deeply affected her.

As a young girl, she can also be emotionally fickle, and is prone to misunderstand another’s words with ease. She will hold onto her promises, but if the other party breaks it in front of her, she won’t be capable of masking her sorrow and anger - she can’t hide her emotions. Her excitability and short attention span also make it hard to root her down to one topic - unless she is talking to an adult/someone not afraid to point out to her that she’s straying, she can keep on hopping subjects forever.

?ooc, ?char info

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