Aug 31, 2004 09:37
Have you ever..
1. Kissed: Yes
2.Ran away: no, but thought about it several times.
3. Done Drugs: it's against my religion.
4. Broken someone's heart: i don't know...i hope not
5.Been in love: nope
6. Cried when someone die: i cried when jenny died :o(
8. Broken a bone: no, thank goodness
9. Lied: yes, many times
10. Cried in school: yes.
11. coke or Pepsi: Pepsi all the way
12. night or day: night time
13. indoors or outdoors: indoors.
14. Sprite or 7UP: sprite
15. Girls or Guys: MEN
16. Flowers or candy: both
17. Blonde/Brown: BRUNETTE!!!! w00t w00t
18. brown/green/blue: blue
19. pink/red: pink black
21. Tall or Short: short
22. Pants or shorts: pants
23: What do you notice first: eyes. they can say a lot about a person
24. Last person you slowed danced with: uhh...don't know
25. What base have you reached? im a proud virgin.
26. Showered:yesterday morning
27. Taken a bath: a couple of days ago. not really a bath person
28.brush your teeth: last night
::*WHAT IS (your favorite)*::
29. Your good luck charm: i don't have one
30. Person You Hate Most: George Bush? haha just playing. I don't hate anybody. that's a strong word
31. Best Thing That Has Happened to You this year: Is it bad i can't think of anything?
32. Color: blue blue blue
33. Last time you went the bathroom: yesterday
34. Last time you ate: this morning
35. Last time you went to the mall: like 3 weeks ago
37. Shopping: a few weeks ago
::*person u have feels more*::
46. Has A Crush On You: I don't know. ihope a certain person does...
47. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: yes i think i might :o)
48. Are yall a couple: nope, sorry
49. If so how long:
50. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: hell naw
51. Save AOL conversations: yeah. Morgan and i tend to have really deep conversations, lol
52. Save E-mails: really good ones.
53. Wish you were someone else: at times. they tend to be celebrities
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex:never lol. but u must wonder what its like to have a ....
55. Wish you could die: NO
56. Wish you were some where else: aaaalll the time
57. Want to be famous: HELL YEAH! jessica, 12 step program baby!
58. Want to be a singer: not especially
59. Want a lollipop: when i drive by a bank i tend to want one...
60. Want this survey to end: ask more interesting questions
::*HAVE YOU*::
61. Fallen for your best friend?: i think once..maybe i have
62. Made out with JUST a friend?: yup
63. Been rejected: nope, becuz im too much of a wimp to even ask someone out and get rejected
64. Been in love? nope
65. If so with who?
66. Used someone?: i think i have. i can be one mean bitch at times
67. Gone out with someone just to get some: no
68. Cheated on someone?: no
69. Been cheated on?: no
70. Been kissed?: yup
71.Have you ever done something you regret? yes
72. You touched?: ariana
73. You talked to?: my sister
74. You hugged?: ariana
75. You instant messaged?: either jess or morgan
76. You kissed?: i'd rather not say
77. You made out with? i'd still rather not say. see question number 71
78. You yelled at? once again, ariana
79. You tell a secret to? jessica. mowjotbb!!!
80. Who broke your heart?: nobody's broken my heart
81. Who told you they loved you?: should i have to think about that? i think ariana
82. Colored your hair? i love my hair just the way it is
::*DO YOU*::
83. Have tattoos? nope
84. Have piercings below the waist? nope
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?: nope
86. Own a webcam? haven't you seen me on HAHHA j/j. i don't own one
87. Meow: woof!
88. Blood: guts
89. chunks: technicolor yawn
90. Habla espanol? si senor. AYAYAYAYAYA!!!!
91. Quack?: honk honk
92. Whats your
93. Birthday: may 20
94. Parent(s) name(s): gene and katrena
95. Sibiligs: dee, bee, april, chris, tim, and gene jr.
96. One story or two story house:
97. Color of toothbrush: blue and clear
98. Color of hairbrush: black
99. Color of phone: gray
100. Arent you happy this is the last question: a little