[accidental video]

Nov 13, 2011 10:40

[ There was the intentions of a training session, but some aren't always ready to evolve. Some can never evolve... Yet they find a way to get past pure instincts. ]

Fairy, I-I'm not sure we should be training yet! I haven't mentally prepared myself...

Shut up. And don't use my name. Get ready and hold nothing back or I will hurt you. Your a Pegasus, so you should be good with in flight attacks. As my partner I should know the extent of your strength as you should mine...disregarding the fact you seem pretty frail from just looking at you.

[ The Cutemon flinched and took a look around as if recalling something. ]

...Maybe...this a bad idea after all...

What? W-What did you say Fairy?

[ The Cutemon flinches again, and snaps towards Fluttershy. ]

I told you not to use my name!

B-B-But no one is around!

...Fine. Are you ready?

[ Fluttershy shakes her head, but the Cutemon rolls her eyes and leaps towards her and unleashes a small flurry of punches which more than enough to knock Fluttershy off of her feet, or hooves, and the last punch skids Shy across the floor and into a tree. Then she just curls up and whimpers. ]

Are you okay!? What did I say!? I said don't hold back!

I-It hurts...

Well, get up. We aren't done yet.

N-No. I can't. Please don't make me do this. I'm not as strong as you...

[ The Cutemon twitches and grabs Fluttershy's mane. ]

How do you know!? It's every night I go through the same thing! You always say that!

[ Fluttershy hides her face under her hooves. ]

F-F-Fairy stop...your scaring me...w-why are you so mean tonight...?


[ At first Fluttershy trembles...but then looks up at her partner in confusion. ]

Can't...protect me?


...Oh. I-Is...that all?

[ Fluttershy rises a bit and her partner loosens her grip on her mane. ]

...Don't cry Fairy. It's okay...remember what I said before? I've read that there were digimon who couldn't digivolve for many many years. I may have not known you for your entire life, but just give it time. Besides...

No. I have to at least try again...WE have to try again!

Your not weak, Fairy-

Fluttershy! Please!

...O-Okay...but please...don't be disppointed if it doesn't. N-Never should rush these things...

Thank you...

[ Fluttershy and Fairy move to a more centered area. Fluttershy closes her eyes with ease. They've tried this before so nothing should go wrong...she thinks. Fairy forces her eyes shut with difficulty. Her emotions wede raging. Her thoughts were lost in her nightmares, she's always well hidden. Fluttershy's digivice begins to glow and Fairy focuses on change, to evolve like before. But she pushes in all of her energy and lets out more than her partner which breaks their balance...but her form changes... ]

F-Fairy...you did it! You digivolved...Fairy?

[ Ice begins to form everywhere and a shout from Fluttershy is heard. Trees fall and the ground becomes coated with ice shards. A large Frigimon appears on the screen, it's eyes full of rage and fury. The screen becomes static. ]

what's going on, never rush these things, fairy the raging frigimon, help!

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