I just did a tiny friends-cut, removing people I haven't had contact even before I was inactive. I am happy to see that many of you kept me on their list. Thank you.<3
I promise I am going to write a more personal update in the next following days about my adventures in Egypt in November and whatever happened with me ever since.
Oh, for the
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While you were away, I was debatting wether or not to cut you, but I' decided to keep you, and I'm glad I did!
Ah, Egypt? That's so cool!
I am glad you didn't cut me, while I was away. You are one of the few people whom I am commenting on the most these days in the little comment sprees I am having. :)
Yeah, I will write a summary about it soon. It was awesome. :)
By the way do you have some sort of IM-ing program?
I have MSN, but I rarely use it..
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