At least it's polite

Sep 18, 2011 21:40

So, my laptop has been a right pain in the arse for weeks, months even. I had very strong suspicions that the hard disk was failing, but I ran three different tests on it and they all came back without finding anything more than a couple of bad sectors.

Just now, though, I got a Windows warning flash up on the screen. I must back up everything and then figure out how to replace the hard disk. Just perfect.

Oh, and now an intel warning: hard drive failure imminent! DO SOMETHING!!!eleventy11!OMGWTFBBQ.


ETA: Two more windows warnings later, a new hard drive is on order (should be here in a couple of days), I've backed up pretty much everything, am creating a second set of recovery disks (because I'm paranoid) and I'm about to decamp to the netbook for a couple of days. Will shut this down and hopefully only reboot it with the new HD in the slot and recovery disk 1 in the DVD drive. It's a good thing this stuff doesn't scare the crap out of me any more.

techy, annoying

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