Oct 05, 2004 18:58
Ok... here we are - my second journal. I've been kinda lazy about updating it. And of telling people about it. Well, all shall be revealed in due time. I think this will be a long entry today to make up for it. Feel free to skip to the last paragraph if you're not interested.
So, on to the story of the computer. Well, I got a laptop for my birthday and it never did hook up to the internet, either at home or when I got here in London. I decided I was going to completely wipe the hard drive (I wan't sure what was all on the computer... long story). So I went to one of the homework labs and looked it up on the web, and figured out how to do it. It worked like a charm - there was nothing left. So proud of myself!!!
Then I go to reinstall Windows XP. It asks for the product key (25 character code that identifies your software). I don't have it written on the cd. I can't find it anywhere, it's not in any of the papers or anything. Talk about it with my mom and we can't figure out where to find it. So she brings me several other editions from home to try. I get one installed but the screen's all messed up... 600x800 pixels and 16 colours for people who understand that part. I got so frustrated I literally almost thru the laptop out the window. Good thing I live on the main floor.
SO... we get desperate and try talking to a few computer geeks we know to see if they have XP and can give us their product key. Finally, one of them tells us that when the factory installs Windows XP onto a laptop, they put the sticker with the product key on the bottom. NEVER in my life would I have looked on the actually computer itself for a code that belongs with software. Feeling frustrated with myself, I write it down and successfully manage to install Windows. YAY!!! Now my computer turns on. And the screen looks great. Have a bit of a fight with the cables, but now the internet works. And I even managed to install all the programs and my printer. GO ME !!!
Well, now I'm thinking of wiping the hard drive again b/c there is a toolbar that keeps opening on the bottom of my screen, and as of today it won't even let me close it. If I do embark on this adventure, it should be easier the second time around. I hope.
School has been fantastic. I have 10 classes a week, and each one only once. Well, except for Food Prep. where I have the demo on Tuesday mornings, then I'm in the kitchen for my lab Thursday evenings. OH - and I don't start until 12 on Mondays (read - sleeping in) and as for my schedule on Friday: there are no classes. Yes, that is right. I have Fridays off!!! Suckers... sorry.
This morning my radio went off at 7. They were talking about how cold it was outside. Then all of a sudden there's this loud, high-pitched squealing sound. What could that be??? I turn the volume down - nope, it's not my radio. I wonder for a while, then decide to roll out of bed (I'm not even awake yet) and go into the living room to find out, because it was really irritating. I open my door and it's SO LOUD. One of my roommates yells "It's the firealarm - get out of here!!!" Crap. That's the noise. I was really hoping that wouldn't be it.
I stumble around my room and grab my glasses, shove my feet in some sandals (I was wearing socks... oh well), and luckily remember that it's cold and so I grab a sweater, and almost forgot my keys. Close my door and my roommates door (so nothing burns if this is for real), go out in the hallway, and my RA's down at the other end yelling at everyone to get moving and head outside to the baseball diamond. I could continue, but the point being - we were out there for 40 minutes. In our pjs. Anyone who had 8 o'clock classes was probably late b/c everyone looked like they had just rolled out of bed like me... except for the guys who live across the hall from me - they were all myseriously in jeans and such. And one girl who must have been in the shower b/c she was in a robe and slippers and her head was wrapped in a towel. I felt really bad for her.
And now I have a huge headache as a result. It's been steadily growing all day. And rumour has it there will be another one tomorrow morning b/c it took us too long to evacuate. I heard someone (I think it was the police???) talking as we came back in - it took us 12 minutes to get out, and it should have been 7 minutes. I guess that would mean most of us died. Well, it took us 5 minutes just to figure out what was going on!!! But now we now what that sound is, so if there is another we should perform much better for them.
Anyways, I think that is enough for today. Hope all of you are doing well, and I fully intend to send out an email to everyone soon!!! Actually, if you're reading this you probably got the email, and that is how you found it. Well, ttfn, and please leave some comments so I don't feel so alone. Hahahahaha!!! ;) No, seriously - leave comments.