Apr 01, 2007 00:56
Dear Journal,
I went to Criminal Justice class today and then after that I went to go work, but just before work and I went and weigh in at the weight watchers meeting we have at the college for the employee's. Any ways then I went in and got weighed and found out that I lost 5 lbs in a week and I was so excited and proud of myself for doing a good job and coming out to a good start. So my day went well for the most part and my goal is to lose at least 100lbs by the middle of October or this year which would put me at 145 around that time. So other then that I'm doing ok I'm out looking for an apartment for myself and hoping to have a summer job or a permament job for good and then doing my schooling around that not sure yet. Other wise I'm doing pretty good I guess for right now.
Holly Spengler