May 27, 2005 14:37
Wednesday was the last day of school. Before the bell rang like our entire group was huddled together & everyone gave their camera to Meagan to take a group picture & then all of a sudden the deputy came over & busted. There was a whole pile of cameras on the floor & she just scooped them up & took them away from us. But i saved mine cuz im quick like that.The rest of the day was just boring. Mostly movies & stuff. Then after 7th period i went outside of building 6 & started hugging everyone =// cuz theyre all going to fucking creek! Kyndra was the one who made me start to cry first & then between Erin and Whitney; whew. The campus advisors tried to kick us off the school property for like an hour, it didnt work. Erin, me, natalia, jerrica, & nick v were like the only ones left after pretty much everybody went home. We just talked & fucked around. Then Erin left ='( so me, talia, nick, and jerrica all started walking home. Talia came home w/ me for a while to chill then we got dropped off at Booths Bowery to eat dinner. I spilled water all over my pants & it was pretty funny. & Natalia was having trouble containing herself w/ some things lmao. Anyways, then we left to sit outside & we saw Kit. My parents picked us up & we got dropped off at natalias for the night. We chilled at Kirstens for a little bit but since she was being spoiled w/ her iPod we left. Went back to Natalias and ate; of course, then went to bed. Her brother woke us up at like 9 oclock. I was mad at first but then he started cracking me up. Lmao he is so funny. Around 12 me and talia were planning on going to wendys but then my mom decided to pick me up to sign me up for this dance camp at DBCC / for Nautica. Came home & did absolutley nothing for a good amount of time, ate dinner & then went to the airport w/ my family to pick up my sister. Shes still asleep & im really bored & she sucks. Anyways, i havent really done jack shit all day. But everyone keeps asking if im going to the movies tonight; so i guess i am. A whole bunch of people are supposed to be going but you know how that goes, you have plans w/ like 10 people and 3 show up. So idk what im doing tonight. Im out. Comment.