Apr 25, 2004 22:34
The weekend was GREATTT!!!! Met two new people, well really met one brand new one, but got to know the other better. So, let's go through my day to day basis.
Fri.-Ortho appt. she said my teeth were perfect and to keep doing what I'm doing..yesss!!! So that means I;m going to have to lose my retainer/ forget to put it in 20 times this next month!! Then Lis called and being the fashionably late person I am and will forever be, instead of meeting up with her and her friends at Granny's I met them like halfway down the block..haha. Then I met LIZZZZ and Dee Dee(she really reminds me of Meghan, I know their cousins, but who knows). Then we walked to Elderberry where Liz started to flip out and scream Taylor's name..hahaha. Then we waited inside of his house for about a half hr. to 45 mins. Then we went to Friendly's and Liz called Patrick and he like ran over there..hahahaha. Hmm then we were going to go to Patrick's house, but Lis couldn't, so I like ran across the street. Then they all went into 7-11 and I was a lazy bum and didn't feel like crossing the street. So, these landscapers were honking at me and this red sports car like pulled up next to me..scary shit right there. So we'll cut to the chase, we walked for a whlile..blah blah then we ended up at Lis and we hung out in her gym on her patio on the corner and in her livingroom. Me and Liz were having a fun time of hiding what we were saying to each other with pillows..hahahha "I bet all he can get with is that bear." Then Liz had to leave *tear*. Hmm then we drove home Patrick and Taylor and I slept over Lis's. While we were acthing Aladdin behind her bed, besides the fact I kept fast forwarding it with my foot..haha Every damn thing related to Taylor.
Sat~Went out and got pizza with Lis, Chrissy, David and Francisco and got ready for my soccer game. It was so great, I got yelled at because I screaed too loud, and my coach claimed, which was probably true, that no one could hear him over my screams..haha. Then I went out with Lis, Maureen, Taylor, and his friends, we walked through Alberston, FEET HURTTT, and walked home. I was spposed to go with Kristen and her friends to Adventureland, but then the O'niell's couldn't come. So I was stuck at home by myself for like 3 hours. I'm serious everytime my parents go out I could have a two hour party and they could come home no knowing anything, but I don't, no idea why though. Then I spent the rest of the night talking to mostly, Liz, Patrick, and Julia. Then for a few minutes was Cait and Lis. *Sad thing is in this weekend I've talked to Liz and Patrick more then I have Lis, while I've known them for about 3 days? and her for about 10 years..*
Sun~I woke up at 9:54 and went to Kristen's soccer game and hung out with Kevin for three hours. During that span of time, he ate a crunchy hot dog, which I forced him to..haha, a snicker's bar, a salty pretzel, and a soda..hahah. Then after, i just sat at home, what a wonderful life I lead.