Dear true Buffy fans...

Aug 27, 2006 21:07

I was on IMDB and saw a buffy season 8 thingy on a thread hehe...I'm ashamed to say it took me abotu a quarter of the posts to realize that it was just people being funny....well actualyl I realized it when someone reffered to an episode in season 9 when the all got turned into speechless lizards who had to talk using interpretive dance...and that willow confessed she didn't love girls or boys...but that she instead loved goats!(Willow season 3 episode gingerbread: "Do ya see any goats around here mom? No 'cause I sacrificed them!") lmao.... This was my reply :P all true Buffy and Angel fans should get it :P (you won't get the first part unless you followed the whole Angel-owned-Wolfram & Hart-story)

Actually, I think the best episode was in season 15 the episode "Texaco my god!" when they were offered the chance to take charge of the evil texaco station and use it to stop evil everywhere! I also loved the episode after that, "Once more without feeling" where they all lose the ability to taste and feel things. I loved how they brought Anya back to life, though I think they should've considered having Emma Caulfield play her instead of Oprah Winfrey. She looked the part a bit more. I'd have to say the Penguin master was a good villain, but not the worst they'd faced. The giant pudding monster from "Buffy vs Jello" was much creepier...and chocolately. I thought the whole Spike falling in love with the giant pudding monster thing was a bit much, but hey they needed plotlines for season 15.

"Texaco my god!" was the best episode EVER!!!

lmfao I love me :P
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