Sep 11, 2006 19:18
...that no one was clean anymore...that no one was innocent anymore.. if it means what I think it means then like.. I don't even know...why does cute guy have to be bad dude?! so unfair. Now i know what the charmed ones felt like. Always having to battle all those really hot demons :P hehe anyways...back to my rant..I hate the gov' much as it gives us all of these rights it takes them away just as fast. How? Death. It kills us. The gov't make one mistake and WE pay the price. How many presidents have been killed? How many innocent people have died BECAUSE of the government? Exactly. Not to mention I have no freedom of press. I can't write what I want even if it is true, because everytime I do, I get in trouble, or someone around me gets in trouble. I'm like Willow...She could cast(when people say "do spells" it pisses me off) all of these amazing spells, but if she did it too much or made something to powerful, she turned apacolyptic and she and the people around her would get hurt. Now I'm not saying I can cast spells or destroy the world, but if you downsize all of that by a bit it comes to me being angry, writing something powerful, and tons of people getting in trouble because people misinterpret what I was saying. I can't believe the dean actually had the nerve to say, "well sometimes things are better left unsaid. sometimes you should just write it down and then delete it." The whole fucking point of that thing was to get people to stop committing suicide, or making suicide threats! I swear this is eating me up inside... I can't do this... this whole mess has gone way out of hand..not the whole anti-suicide thing that i wrote...this whole Kate/Sam thing...the worst part, I think, was Matt...He was a quiet sweet looking guy...and then I find out what he really is? Ew...just..ew...That's even worse than what Kate and Sam are doing...Because he's like..doing it to them basically! It kind of makes me think of what Britt said... "You'll go on loving him, until one day when you find out what he really is, and you end up hating him..." It kind of makes me wonder if I misjudged that sweet innocent...nah nevermind :P... the only reason I even trusted in it for a second was because I was thinking "messege from the higher power" but even so any feelings that I have for Leo made any belief that he's fake go bye-bye...Maybe she was talking about Matt? Maybe it was like...warning that this year was gonna crumble fast? There were plenty of signs... thinking everyone's moving...finally getting comfortable in LMS...those horribly annoying dreams... and that horrible feeling I had about school the entire summer..I wish I didn't know everything I know... I wish that all I knew..was Leo.