In a followup to a story I've written re LJ tolerating communities promoting "Bible-based baby beating" whilst nuking fandom communities and fanart posters (original post
here and mirrored on this community, update
here and mirrored on Innocence Jihad
here), it seems that LJ Abuse got back to me in regards to one of the missives I sent them (
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Currently, she's been trying to figure out the situation linking policy since it hit slashdot, as well as research into the proana comms and trying to find a response with help from real support groups and medical professionals. If you want to help her, and actually maybe get the ball rolling on something being done, e-mail her links of what's the most damning things within the comms in question of where they break the TOS into actual child abuse and whatever information you got.
You may not get a response right away, but she is listening and absorbing it all. The feeling I get from talking to her is that she genuinely does want to do the right thing, but needs evidence to figure out what exactly the right thing is and time to do it in.
Don't shoot me please, I'm just trying to help.
At this point, being civil, mature, and rational to the talking heads is more a matter of protecting our reputation as the opposition than it is any matter of courtesy.
FWIW, the first post in the series does contain some of the most damning links, and my main concern in this is if they ARE being serious about stopping abuse of minors, they need to do it across the board.
(I'll put it like this--I would not have posted to her in such righteous anger if I didn't think it were possible for LJ Abuse to be clued in. One reason I DO post on this subject and AM so pissy about it is because I myself am a survivor of this particular subset of child abuse and know all too well its RL consequences.)
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