May 30, 2007 16:07
Dear Perverted Justice,
I am, and have been a member of Live Journal for years. I'm a member of many communities through the website, as well as an administrator to one of them.
I understand that you are concerned about the real predators on Live Journal, but anyone who is into fandom and likes slash, yaoi, yuri, shonen ai, shojou ai, or relates something to their journal based on a fictional setting and fictional characters seem to be targets as well. I assure you that many of the people who have these interests listed know the difference between real life and fiction and would not condone any illicit or illegal activity in the real world. Other interests listed among these are incest, twincest, rape, murder, bondage, etc. many of these have to do with those who write fiction for CSI or Law and Order, or belong to support groups for people who have survived through such things.
I do no, in any way, support predators that hunt through the internet, having myself come from an abusive childhood, and dealt with the very same type of people you are trying to catch. However, as much as I support you and your cause, I will not be called a pedophile, pervert, or predator because I like yaoi, shonen ai, yuri, shojo ai, slash, or anything else fandom related. I will not be looked down upon because I support homosexuality, and the choices people make concerning their sexual orientation. There is nothing wrong with liking someone of the same gender, and if you hunt people like that you are lowering yourselves to being no better than vigilantes.
You have a lot of support from people at LJ, many of them fanfiction writers, and those in support groups who have those things listed as their interests. Right now a vigilante group known as Warriors for Innocence has come out and began bullying LJ to the point where they are deleting journals with many of the interests listed without any proof of illegal activity or crime. And by coming out and saying they are targeting LJ, they have given the real predators the heads up to hide themselves even better.
I would ask you to edit your information on Live Journal, because many people who find pedophiles will quietly alert local authorities or yourselves when they can, and only do so when they are sure that the party is guilty of something. No one will falsely accuse anyone or cause unnecessary drama, however you lose this support when you say that innocent parties who enjoy homosexuality perhaps are also among the guilty when they are well within their rights. (after all, it's acceptable for a teenage boy to say lesbians are hot, so why should it be any different for a teenage girl to think the opposite? Double standards are a no-no).
I write this letter to you to say that I support your work, and all that you do to keep this country a safe place, but I do not appreciate misconstruing fandom interests with actual perversions, and ask that you help with the current problems affecting many talented writers, role players, and artists due to Warriors for Innocence and there bullying of the Live Journal staff. The anger that's arisen since the incident of journals being erased is not only at losing personal entries, but also at how difficult these vigilantes are making your work. Many wish to continue supporting you, but ask for your support in return, not only for this problem but in not being misconstrued as the predators you hunt down.
I'll be posting this letter publicly on live journal, and will be asking for others to send there support for what I write.
I would ask that others send them letters too, showing that we support then and their cause, but know our own rights and where we stand. Support our freedom of speech, and show them we are serious. And maybe, just maybe, we can get some help on this.
protest ideas