stardust_rain's post of yesterday got me thinking, because both arguments that seem to be dominating discussions-"LJ wants fandom gone" vs. "LJ is in heap-big financial trouble"-both seem to have their flaws. If LJ wants fandom gone, why not just yank on the copyright violation angle, which is much more plausible than ZOMGCHILDPORN!? If LJ is in heap-big
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Even if we could 'trust' official statements, there has never yet been an official LJ post that has done anything but apologize in a "we're sorry you misunderstood us" way (which is no apology at all, really), dismiss fannish concerns, and then reinforce the "we're gonna do whatever we want, so there."
6A/LJ has also broken its word. You said that you would warn users and communities to take down objectionable material, then you deleted people's journals with no warning whatsoever. The "artistic merit" criterion is just absurd--from your LJ logos and art, I don't think there's anyone aboard who'd recognize artistic merit if they woke up in bed with it.
And nobody's ever explained the reasoning behind switching from strikeout to the less-detectable boldthrough...or a list of other deceptive practices too long to mention.
Not welcome here? Hell, if you actually had anything to say that people could put any faith in, I expect you'd be welcomed with open arms and fireworks. But after all the BS that's been shoveled, I expect there are people googling you right now to see if you're sneering at us in some other venue.
LJ used to run on trust and a sense of community. 6A has damaged that, very likely beyond repair.
I don't think 6A wants to get rid of fandom, per se--I think it wants to sanitize fandom via a combination of deceptive sticks and saccharine carrots. The problem is, creativity is seldom sanitary... and fandom isn't stupid.
Darn it! In another post I took 5 paragraphs to say that. :o)
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