How to Keep Your Friends List on Other Journals

Aug 09, 2007 13:53

I thought people here might be able to use this.

If you have a large F-List and everyone is moving helterskelter, then keeping track of it all can be a pain in the ass--especially if you don't know who's going where. But there's an easy way to avoid losing people and communities without friending everyone one person at a time. Just follow these 4 steps.

1) Log in to your journal.

2) Go to the applicable console:
Journal Fen:



3) Paste the line(s) below in the text box.
friend add username
friend add username

You will need to replace 'username' with the username of your friend. Each friend will require a new command line. You do not need to add special characters like quotes, carats, or brackets.

friend add vain_chan
friend add sekinin
friend add dan_hiri_weller
friend add coldintellect

4) Click 'execute.'

It may take a few seconds to process if you have a very large number of friends. Also, some journaling services may limit the number of friends you can have with free accounts, so be prepared if you have in excess of 250-300 friends; some might get cut.

I have done this on all my journals and it gave me no problems. You do have to be careful about a few things, though:

a. This will only work if your friends' handles at their alternate journals are the same as their LJ handles.

b. Obviously, an account that doesn't exist can't be friended.

c. If someone has the same handle your friend had on LJ, then you may accidentally friend a stranger's journal.

d. This simple code will not maintain filters or security settings. If you want the code for that, please see the reference links below.

e. Like DOS, the code lines must be correct, meaning proper spellings and spaces in the right places.

I recommend pasting your F-list into in a .txt file, then going through and separating each name to a different line and pasting 'friend add ' in front of each name. If you paste it into the text box in the console and it pops up command errors, you're either missing a space somewhere, or misspelled a command. If you find any errors, try pasting the whole block of commands into Word and using the 'Find and Replace' function to fix it (since the error is probably replicated). That should fix all the lines of commands. Then paste it back into text to control for odd symbols that Word might try to slip in, save the file for later use, and try to paste and execute the commands again.


The Command Console is actually a very versatile feature, great for making across the board changes to your journal(s). To learn more about console commands, go here:
Journal Fen:


LJ's Command Console can be found here:

You can also input your info regarding the exodus and find others' at


Please feel free to pass this information around, and please let me know if you find any easier ways to do this, or encounter any errors.

^_^ Good luck!

[Cross-posted to My LJ, My JF, My GJ, and My IJ.]
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