From Pictishqueen over on Greatest Journal:
This post at Valleywag may be of interest. Six Apart's problems seem to go far deeper than mishandling fans. Live Journal founder Brad Fitzpatrick may be about to jump ship because of their problems and they may be looking for a buyer for the company. Apparently it's not only their users they wont communicate with.
Perhaps the most telling bit of this story is this comment
Six Apart is in two separate businesses -- selling blog software and services to big companies, and managing social networks LiveJournal and Vox. The two don't mesh well, and it shows. CEO Barak Berkowitz's corporate-running-dog background has not prepared him at all for dealing with feisty online users, and his ineptness was on display in the recent fan-fiction censorship scandal.
More at the link below. If it's of interest then please pass it around and digg it.
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