(no subject)

Jun 03, 2007 16:28

Consider this your forty-eight hours notice.

If, in one day, you don't stop insulting each other and generally acting like a bunch of rabid hyenas in a pit, this community will be closed.

I'm planning on closing it anyways, in a few days at the most, if LJ doesn't do anything else to get the fandoms together, but now this place is being used by some pedophiles  who are riding in on the tail of our strength and unity against Livejournal, and people are insulting each other, and it is no longer a good thing.

I don't have the patience to deal with the poor-tempered people, the stupid arguments, the immature remarks, and the general poor manners of the people in this community.

I will NOT be deleting the community. There will simply be no posting access allowed, and the threds will still be here for you to read and look through. If (When) LJ screws up again with the censorship that affects fandom, I will open the doors again, and ihopefully we will be able to band together against under the flag of fandom.

Ther is the possibility that one of you would like to take over the moderation of the community and continue the good fight. If you would be interested in championing the cause of fandom, contact me. I will maintain the ownership of the community, but as of now I do not wish to be involved in the bickering and stress of the community right now.

I will probably be focusing my journaling on Greatest Journal for the time being.

Thank you for being here while such a good thing lasted. I wish it could have lasted longer.


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