(D.N.ANGEL Friending Meme)
First friending meme, so yeah... As you can see, I'm so lazy that I used almost the same code from the blogcrew :l
Okay, it's open now. Just ignore the extra space here and there, since I'm tired from correcting the codes orz.
1. Fill it in.
2. Make new friends.
3. It's that simple~
Fill it:
( Read more... )
Name: Mel
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Location: Singapore
Favourite characters: Krad and Argentine mostly. Then Dark, Daisuke, Satoshi~
I have a history of liking not too sane characters and Krad is fabulous ♥ 8D
Dark: What's not to like about him~? (Or you can insert the typical fangirl explanations here)
I have no exact reason for Argentine.
Daisuke: Too adorable ♥
Satoshi: idk the reason I just like him. Besides he's voiced by the Ishida Akira
Favourite pairings: Krad/Dark. Krad/Argentine
Isn't it very obvous that I really like Krad.
Krad/Dark doesn't have to be explained (Foe Yay anyone~?)
Krad/Argentine: They're both Hikari Artworks. Want something to do with Dark. So there.
How did you get into the fandom?: A long time ago, when it was showing on Animax (sadly in japanese without subs), I got interested in it. Afterwards I bought the DVD box set~♥ Then Manga~♥
Name one other series that would have an excellent crossover with DNAngel and explain why (because this meme maker loves crossovers): I hate you Innocent for this question that I have no idea how to answer. Although I suddenly thought of the Tales of Series for a reason -glint-
Other stuff
Fandoms (besides DNAngel): Hetalia. Crimson Shell. Pandora Hearts. Kingdom Hearts. Final Fantasy. Persona 3/4 + Devil Survivor. Some BL/Yaoi Manga. Kaili Sorano's Works. Tales of Series. CLAMP. Whatever else not even completed here or @ LJ profile interests.
Interests: Just anything under the sun. Or just anything to take away boredom and use up time~
Anything else?:
Say hello to the emoticon or it will eat you.
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